摘 要
本文总结了活塞设计的基本规律,利用UG建立活塞的几何模型。考虑了活塞轴对称性,建立了活塞的四分之一有限元模型。采用有限元分析的方法对设计的活塞进行了温度场和热应力的耦合分析,最后对设计的活塞分析后作出评价并获得了合理的结果。结果表明活塞在顶部以热应力为主,在裙部以机械应力为主。作为活塞热负荷评价的重要依据的第一环槽温度在165~215 ,不会因温度过高而影响气环的密封性(活塞用高温润滑油的结胶温度为220 )。通过对活塞的三维建模和有限元分析的实例体现出计算机辅助工程技术在产品设计初期的优性:即一方面建立了基本的计算机分析模型,对其进行仿真模拟,从而指导产品的设计;另一方面以此为虚拟分析平台并提供一些规范性或经验性的建模参考,同时也为提高了企业在技术上的自主开发及创新能力而奠定基础。
The great competition of automobile market has urged the factories to shorten the product development time; with the development of turbo,high power and light engine,the researchers have paid more attentions on the structure than the past. The piston with high technology is the critical part of engine.The work condition of the pistion becomes more and more rigorous.Heavy mechanical load and thermal load often lead to breakage such as the pistion pin hoss split,ring groove wear and tear,combustion chamber throat rim thermal fatigue crack,etc.so,FEA should be done in order to find the distribution rule of thermal stress and mechanical stress of the pistion,and provide reference to improveing design pistion.With the development of the society,many advanced design methods ,test methods and technics have appeared.For example,the FEA technique can improve the strength of the designing pistion greatly,the FEA of the pistion’s temperature field can simulate the real of the work condition of the pistion correctly. It makes engine’s power high, exhaust gas greatly improve, the efficiency of the design increase.
This paper summarizes the design of the basic rules of pistion, the text make used of UG to establish the geometric models of pistion . For the symmetry axis of pistion, build up a quarter of a finite element model of the Pistons. The analysis of a temperature and the coupling of heat stress of the Pistons With the finite element methods. The finally we give an evaluation of the Pistons and analysis was a reasonable outcome. The result reveals that the thermal stress is prominent in the piston head,and the mechanical stress is prominent in the skirt of piston. The first groove of Piston’s temperature as an important basis for the evaluation of Piston’s thermal load is 165 to 215 , which does not affect the tightness of the pistion’s ring(pistion’s plastic high-temperature lubricant temperature is 220 ). Through the analysis of the three-dimensional modeling and finite element of pistion ,it shows the superiority of computer-aided engineering technology in the the early product design. On the one hand,it is the establishment of a basic computer model, its simulation, thus guiding the design of the products; On the other hand ;it can provide some normative or empirical modeling reference to virtual platform, and enhance technical development and innovation capacity for the enterprises.
Key words:pistion,Temperature Field,Thermal Stress,Intensity ,FEM

目 录 17000字
11 概述 1
12 国内外概况及发展趋势1
121 活塞的结构形式1
122 国内外的研究状况3
13 本文研究的内容5
2 活塞的基本设计6
21 活塞设计的参数6
22 活塞的设计要求及设计步骤6
23 活塞的选材8
24 活塞的基本结构设计9
241 活塞的高度11
242 活塞的压缩高度11
243 火力岸高度12
244 活塞头部环区的设计13
245 活塞裙部的设计15
246 活塞裙部壁厚的设计16
247 活塞销孔的设计17
248 活塞销座支撑设计17
249 活塞顶的形状设计18
2410 活塞顶厚度的设计19
25 活塞的大体尺寸20
3 活塞的三维建模21
4 活塞的温度场分析23
41 活塞的热负荷23
42 活塞的温度场分析25
421 活塞的热对流边界条件26
422 活塞温度场分析及分析结果评价29
5 活塞强度分析32
51 活塞的机械应力分析32
511 活塞边界条件和载荷的处理32
512 活塞的机械应力和变形分析36
52 活塞的热应力计算及分析39
53 活塞的综合应力强度分析40
6 设计总结43