来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK74368 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK74368
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摘 要
关键词: 砂带磨削,轴颈研磨机磨头,AutoCAD,ProE
Belt Grinding is an advanced manufacture technology, it’s an mechanical workout way to super-accuracy processing. In recent years, the machinery of grinding axle journal has been used in mechanical grinding processing more and more, but nowadays,
The processing of grinding axle journal still located in primary stage, so the research of grinding axle journal technology is necessary to mechanical workout. This paper based on theory of Belt Grinding, it expounded the design process and design result of the wheel head of grinding axle journal machinery, and it recurred to the CAD software of AutoCAD、CAXA、ProE ,to analytical study of the wheel head of grinding axle journal machinery modeling .The wheel head adopted the open belt grinding head generally . To the high requirements of the axle journal surface quality and the circular runout precision, and considered the requirements of practical machining ,this paper worked out the wheel head of grinding axle journal machinery with high grinding efficiency, easy to operate and on the safe side, this wheel head can satisfied in high-precision grinding .Nowadays, the mechanical manufacture technology has boomed industry, this graduation design has wide develop space and prospect.
Keywords: Belt Grinding; wheel head of grinding axle journal machinery; AutoCAD; ProE
1) 采用砂带磨削工艺;
2) 运用接触轮式砂带磨削,工件高速旋转,研磨带作轴向往复摆动;
3) 接触轮采用轴向磨削方式;
4) 砂带磨削磨头结构布置形式采用开式砂带磨削形式;

目 录 18000字
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.1.1砂带磨削的发展 1
1.1.2轴颈研磨机的发展现状及应用 2
1.1.3外圆精密砂带磨头的研究现状 4
1.2 研究内容 4
2 总体方案的分析 5
2.1砂带磨削的金属切除率 5
2.2砂带磨削与砂轮磨削在机械加工中的比较 5
2.2.1加工机理 5
2.2.2磨削特点的比较 5
2.3轴颈研磨机磨削的基本原理 6
2.4轴颈外圆砂带磨削 7
2.5本课题最终选择方案 8
3 轴颈外圆磨削的加工工艺 9
3.1砂带磨削工艺的特点 9
3.2轴颈外圆砂带研磨工艺参数的选择 10
4 轴颈外圆研磨机磨头组件设计 12
4.1磨头结构的尺寸及几何关系 12
4.1.1磨头电机的选用及砂带磨削驱动功率的计算 12
4.1.2驱动轮直径(D1)的确定 13
4.1.3砂带周长的确定 13
4.2磨头主要结构件的设计 14
4.2.1接触轮的参数设计 14
4.2.2张紧力与驱动轮结构参数的设计 16
4.2.3砂带张紧力的设计计算 16
5 磨头功能部件的设计 19
5.1砂带张紧快换操纵机构的选择 19
5.2砂带调偏机构及砂带横向振动装置 19
5.2.1砂带调偏机构 19
5.2.2砂带横向振动装置 20
6 主要零、部件的设计与校 22
6.1接触轮主轴的结构设计和强度校核 22
6.1.1选择轴的材料 22
6.1.2轴的结构设计 22
6.1.3轴的强度校核计算 23
7 结论 28
8 结束语 29
参考文献 30
包含 任务书 开题报告 论文说明书 cad图纸