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摘 要
介绍了国内外挖掘机的发展状况,以及本课题研究的意义及内容。本文是对挖掘机进行静力学及有限元分析,适应我国矿用挖掘机发展的需要,充分利用前人的研究成果和已有的实验数据,在P&H-2300的基础上对斗容为27 的大型矿用挖掘机的斗杆进行分析。对机械式单斗挖掘机的结构进行了介绍,并斗杆的结构进行了分析,根据经验公式确定了斗杆的结构尺寸。简单介绍斗杆模型的建立过程以及所用软件的发展过程及应用特点,然后将UG中建立的斗杆的模型导入ANSYS中。文章结尾介绍了有限元分析软件在静力分析的应用,针对挖掘机斗杆在不同工况下的受力,应用静力分析模块对斗杆的简化模型受力情况进行了分析,得到其应力变化情况,并得到最大单元的位置。我们以后要做的工作是建立起有限元的有效性评估机制,结合实体模型仿真实验数据,分析误差产生的原因,研究出一个更有效更快捷的分析体制。
关键词:斗杆 有限元分析 UG ANSYS
The construct of excavator is very complex and the multiple movers often work simultaneously. At the same time its working environment is very bad and the eternal load varies randomly. As a result, when designing the new product of excavator, in order to ensure the performance safety, the designer not only has the basic theory analysis on static load computing, but also do necessary work about the kinetics of mechanism to qualify the dynamic reliability in the period of designing.
The first novel is devoted to write the development of domestic and theforeign excavators, As well as the study of the subject content and significance.To meet ou- rs development requires, this paper make dynamics simulation and finite element a- nalysis of mining excavator equipment which capacity is 27 m3. It introduced the s- tructure of the mechanical shovels, and analyzed the structure of its working equeq- uipment. According to the empirical formula to determine of the equipment structu- re size, and the various components size.Then briefly introduced the process of esta blishment of the working equipment, and evelopment of the used software also inc- luding its applicational charactistic , then lead the model of working equipment est- ablished in the UG to ANSYS.then introduced the software ANSYS in the static a- nalysis .Contra pose the working equipment of excavator in different conditions in the working, it analyzed the work force of the model by static analysis device to get the stress changes and the maximize location of unit. Then it is the conclusions of the full text . Our future tasks is to establish the effectiveness of virtual prototyping evaluation mechanism, to combine data of physical prototype simulation analyze the errors causes and research a fault-tolerant Virtual Prototyping System to ensure that the test data is credible, and any potential errors can be quantified.
Key word: working equipment UG ANSYS FEM
1) 工作装置 包括挖掘土壤的铲斗、斗杆,提升机构、推压机构、动臂、斗底开启机构等。
2) 回转支撑装置 回转机构、回转平台、回转支撑机构等。
3) 行走装置 履带行走机构、底架、履带架等。
4) 动力装置和附属设备 电动机—发电机机组、操纵装置、润滑装置等。

目录 15000字
第1章 绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.2机械式挖掘机国内外发展状况 1
1.3市场前景分析 3
1.4本论文研究的必要性及意义 4
1.5本论文研究的内容 4
第2章 斗杆的结构设计 6
2.1矿用挖掘机工作装置简介 6
2.2斗杆的结构分析 7
2.3斗杆的设计计算 8
2.4斗杆应力的计算 9
第3章 斗杆模型的建立 11
3.1UG概述 11
3.1.1应用软件UG简介 11
3.1.2 UG软件的特点 12
3.2参考模型的创建 13
3.3斗杆模型的导入过程 14
第4章 斗杆的有限元仿真分析 16
4.1 有限元方法概述 16
4.2 有限元方法的历史 17
4.3 有限元方法的基本思想 19
4.4 有限元法的分析步骤 19
4.5 应用软件 ANSYS的介绍 20
4.5.1 ANSYS软件简介 20
4.5.2 ANSYS的主要特点 21
4.6 有限元模型的建立 22
4.7 单元类型的选择 23
4.8 网格划分简介 23
4.8.1选择网格划分方式 23
4.8.2指定单元划分形状 24
4.9 边界条件 24
4.10 工况的确定及载荷计算 25
4.10.1工况1 25
4.10.2工况2 26
4.11 斗杆强度刚度分析 28
4.11.1 工况1 28
4.11.2 工况2 30
第5章 结论 32
5.1结论 32
5.2展望 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35