摘 要
This subject uses the software of making maps to pluck the tea-oil camellia and design the organization to the manipulator. Including the rotate organization, the worm gear worm decelerating device,the spur gear decelerating device;the hoist or lower organization, the barometric pressure cylinder hoists or lower device; the wave arm organization, atmospheric pressure device and four device ,the skids screw gearing,the hold organization , the slip spiral transmission device, the holding and unlock device, hold the rotation device ; PLC programme-controlled system, the relay - contact device control system.Main circuit, PLC exterior wiring, trapezoidal chart, instruction sentence table.Draw the two-dimentional figures of the organization with AutoCAD, draw the three-dimensional model of the organization with Pro/E. Grasp AutoCAD and Pro/E drawing skillfully, integrate deeper understanding and know to mechanism, machine design and integration of machinery.
Key words:The tea-oil tree picks, the manipulator, the PLC procedure control system

目 录
摘 要
一、前 言 1
二、油茶采摘机械手原理图 2
三、油茶采摘机械手的设计与选型 4
3.1、电动机的选型 4
3.2、旋 转 减 速 机 构 5
3.2.1、第一级蜗轮蜗杆减速装置 5
3.2.2、第二级蜗轮蜗杆减速装置 7
3.2.3、直齿减速装置 8
3.2.4、旋转机构转速 9
3.3、气 压 升 降、摆 臂 机 构 9
3.3.1气压升降装置 10
3.3.2气压摆臂装置 10
3.4、手 抓 机 构 10
3.4.1、滑动螺旋传动装置 10
3.4.2、手抓工作装置 11
四、油茶采摘机械手的PLC程序控制系统 12
4.1、主电路 12
4.2、PLC外部接线 13
4.3、梯形图 14
4.4、指令语句表 15
参 考 文 献 16
致 谢 17