摘 要
Potato tuber for plants for circular or elliptic shape, structure, by cuticular layer and layer, the pulp and pulp within four parts. Potato varieties can be divided into two kinds, one kind is starch content high, suitable for the production of raw materials as starch content of protein, another kind is higher, suitable for various fruits or food..
Potato nutrition is rich, besides direct edible, but also can be processed into food, powder, starch, etc, the economic value of higher food processing can be greatly improved through the value of fresh chips.
In view of many of the characteristics of the potato, potato has been widely used. a. can be fresh potatoes, fresh potatoes used mainly for cooking the family restaurant, China is mainly used to create dishes such as pasta snack food of the public.In addition to fresh fruit outside the potato for food, there are curry rice, stew and potato salad cold fast food. Potatoes can be made from convenience foods, fast foods, snack foods, such as potato flour, potato powder, dehydrated potato chips (article), frozen French fries (potato mud), steamed potato chips, canned and peeled potatoes, potato crisps , extruded snacks such as potato; b, processed into starch and related products: potato starch as a result of the excellent features, not only is the production of high-level instant noodles, flour add the most ideal type of starch, but also meat, surimi products such as additives or raw materials . Potato starch is also of high quality raw materials. The potato starch, but also related products available, including a variety of modified starch, maltose, glucose, dietary fiber products. C, other products: potato residue after starch extraction can be made from potato fermented feed, extract protein
Skin peeling (for) of fruits and vegetables processing to remove need not eat or not, and improve the physical appearance of the product. The main factors including through minimize removed part and may reduce the labor and material costs energy, reduce the total cost. Here introduces friction peel method: food is placed on the walls or emery roller drum lined up in the emery, wear away the food of skin surface by the amount of water after washing clean. The advantage of this method is due process is conducted in greenhouse with low cost and the energy of capital cost is low, no heat, the advantages of good food appearance, irregular food surfaces (such as potato "holes) destroys peel product appearance, need manual removal.
Key words: Potatoes、Peel cleaning、Agricultural、Food machinery
(1)机械切削去皮 是采用锋利的刀片表面皮层。去皮速度较快,但不完全,且果肉损失较多,一般需用手工加以修整,难以实现完全机械作业,适用于果大、皮薄、肉质较硬的果蔬。目前,苹果、梨、柿等常使用机械切削去皮,常用的形式为旋皮机。旋皮机是将待去皮的水果插在能旋转的插轴上,靠近水果一侧安装(或手持)一把刀口弯曲的刀,使刀口贴在果面上。插轴旋转时,刀就从旋转的水果表面将皮车去。旋皮机插轴的转动有手摇、脚踏和电动几种动力形式。在旋车去皮之前应有选果工序,以保证水果大小基本一致。
(2)机械磨削去皮 是利用覆有磨料的工作面除去表面皮层。可高速作业,易于实现完全机械操作,所得碎皮细小,便于用水或气流清除,但去皮后表面较粗糙,适用于质地坚硬、皮薄、外形整齐的果蔬。胡萝卜、番茄等块根类蔬菜原料去皮大多采用机械磨削去皮机。
(3)机械摩擦去皮 是利用摩擦因数大、接触面积大的工作构件而产生的摩擦作用使表皮发生撕裂破坏而被去除。所得产品表面质量好,碎皮尺寸大,去皮死角少,但作用强度差,适用于果大、皮薄、皮下组织松散的果蔬,一般需要首先对果蔬进行必要的预处理来弱化皮下组织。常见到的机械摩擦去皮机如采用橡胶板作为工作构件的干法去皮机。
(4)化学去皮 又称碱液去皮,即将果蔬在一定温度的碱液中处理适当的时间,果皮即被腐蚀,取出后,立即用清水冲洗或搓擦,外皮即脱落,并洗去碱液。此法适用于桃、李、杏、梨、苹果等的去皮及橘瓣脱囊衣。桃、李、苹果等的果皮由角质、半纤维素等组成,果肉由薄壁细胞组成,果皮与果肉之间为中胶层,富含原果胶及果胶,将果皮与果肉连接。当果蔬与碱液接触时,果皮的角质、半纤维素被碱腐蚀而变薄乃至溶解,果胶被碱水溶解而失去胶凝性,果肉薄壁细胞膜较能抗碱。因此,用碱液处理后的果实,不仅果皮容易去除,而且果肉的损伤较少,可以提高原料的利用率。但是,化学去皮用水量较大,去皮过程产生的废水多,尤其是产生大量含有碱液的废水。
