Abstract:The present paper detailedly introduces the design and manufacture process of fixed plate heat exchanger. It’s model is defined based on the physical parameters of fluid and the amount which is required in production, making use of calculation of fundamentals about heat transfer process. Then, designe the structure and strength about most of components in heat exchanger, including a thick-shaped part of the body, the case of tube pass, head , baffle, tube sheet and so on, according to the standards, such as GB150-1998 Steel Pressure Pessels and GB151-1999 Tubular Heat Exchangers. Tubesheet is the most important part, which is used to connect shell, tube bundle and channeland bear pressure, temperature load and other loads. Especially, about tube sheet, it is calculated、integrated and calibrated about stress,in order to security. In the section of manufacture,there is a simaple flow chart that clearly show the order of manufacture and installation of spare parts. And there are some concrete requirements about the joint of tube to tube sheet and manufacture technology of tube sheet.
Key words: Fixed plate heat exchanger; Tube sheet; Baffle; head

目录 19000字 5张cad图纸
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 概述 3
1.1.1换热器在工业中的应用 3
第二章 换热器的选型 3
2.1选型的基本原则 3
2.1.1换热器类型的选取 3
2.1.2介质流向的确定 3
2.1.3介质流程的选择 3
2.1.4 换热管的结构尺寸 3
2.1.5 管子的排列和管心距的确定 4
2.1.6 管壳程数及管子数 4
2.1.7 折流板排列与间距 4
3.1筒体的计算 4
3.2管板的计算与应力校核 4
3.2.1法兰力矩 5
3.2.2换热管稳定许用应力 5
3.2.3 参数和系数计算 6
第四章 管束的振动计算及防振设计 8
4.1 计算横流速度 8
4.2 计算卡曼旋涡频率 8
4.3 计算紊流抖振主频率 9
4.4 计算声频 9
4.5 换热管的固有频率 9
4.6 临界横流速度 9
4.7 结论 9
第五章 焊接工艺设计 10
5.1主要受压元件的材料选择及其可焊性评价与焊接材料选择说明 10
5.1.1 材料的选择 10
5.1.2 材料的可焊性评价 10
5.1.3 焊接材料的选择 10
第六章 固定管板式换热器的零件加工 11
6.1.1封头的备料及加工 11
6.1.2 壳体的加工 11
6.1.3 管板的备料与加工 12
6.2 组装工艺与要求 12
6.2.1 管箱的组装、焊接与加工 12
6.2.2 管束的组装 12
6.2.3 管子与管板的连接 12
参 考 文 献 12
附录A2译文 23
附录B1外文文献 28
附录B2外文文献 33
致谢 41
参考文献 42