Long distance,large capacity,high speed is the latest development in the direction of the belt conveyor.Compared with other transportation equipments,belt conveyor is more reliable,easier to implement automation and centralized control,more obvious economic efficiency.Steep sidewall belt conveyor is one of them.Furthermore,the cover sidewall belt conveyor makes up for shortcomings that ordinary sidewall unit exists.
Firstly,the design outlines briefly the use,classification,characteristics,principles of common belt conveyor and then it describes technological advantages of the steep wall machine and it leads to this design-cover sidewall belt conveyor and what it means.Then it compares and chooses the whole machine’s design.In transmission mode,the paper compares 5 kinds of transmission mode to select the most economical and practical way,then each component is given a more detailed description and then the paper chooses the best one.After that it designs and caculates the data needed,tensioning device,the central rack,roller,cleaning devices according to the design criteria and selection method in accordance with the requirments of the given parameters.Next,it is the strength check of drive roller shaft,and other major components.At last,it is brief description of the electrical safety devices.
Key words:belt conveyor;program design;parts selection;design caculations
1) 挡边带及覆盖带设计;
2) 设计输送机总图和主要零件;
3) 输送机传动机构及张紧机构设计;
主要技术参数 输送长度L:53m;输送高度 :36.615m;输送倾角:90°;输送物料:石灰石等(容重0.8-3.5t/m3,粒度<50);输送量Q:100t/h

目录 16000字
摘要 I
目录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1带式输送机的应用 1
1.2带式输送机的分类 1
1.3各种带式输送机的特点 2
1.4带式输送机的发展状况 3
1.5带式输送机的工作原理 3
1.6大倾角带式输送机综述 5
1.6.1大倾角带式输送机的几种结构型式 5
1.6.2发展趋势 7
1.7课题的提出与意义 7
1.8课题的主要内容 7
第2章 驱动装置的总体设计 9
2.1传动方案的设计 9
2.2电机的选用 11
2.2.1确定电动机类型 11
2.2.2选择电动机转速 12
2.3减速器的选用 12
2.4联轴器的选用 13
第3章 带式输送机的设计计算 15
3.1已知原始数据: 15
3.2参数选择 15
3.3功率和张力计算 15
3.4整机布置设计 18
3.5主要部件选用 19
3.6传动滚筒轴强度的校核计算 20
3.7拉紧装置张紧行程的计算 22
第4章 带式输送机部件的选用 23
4.1挡边输送带及覆带的选用 23
4.2传动滚筒 24
4.3托辊 25
4.4挡辊 26
4.5改向装置 27
4.6拉紧装置 27
4.7压带轮和压带辊组 28
第5章 其他部件的选用 30
5.1机架与中间架 30
5.2给料装置 31
5.3清扫装置 32
5.4头部漏斗 33
5.5电气及安全保护装置 33
结论 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37
附件1 38
附件2 49