摘 要
关键词:液压缸 ,连杆机构,齿轮齿条,工业机械手
In order to satisfy the requirements of design of the mandate, arm of the use of linkage of industrial machinery hand were designed and developmented in this paper. Papers on the mechanical drive system and hydraulic cylinders of key technologies were analyzed.
In this paper, the development of history and current situation of industrial machinery hand were described, the various industrial machinery hand drive and their advantages and disadvantages were analysed and compared , the direction of development and trends of industrial machinery hands and the feasibility and practicality of a link-driven industrial machinery hand were discussed. Also, in accordance with the outside world load conditions and terms ,we determined the various parameters of hydraulic cylinders in a hydraulic drive system, and checked the strength of some key components . In practical terms that the process of calculation help, according to the given location of request we use mapping to calculate accurately the length of the connecting rod in the crank link and discussed the relationship of the crank linkage and the mechanical hand trajectory. At the same time, to improve the overall performance of equipment, the important components in mechanical transmission unit and the mechanical properties were calculated, we done a precise calculation on the linkage of the mechanical arm focusing on analytical method.At last,the Strength, stiffness and stability of connect the components used were analyzed by material mechanics,so we ensure that the overall accuracy of the equipment and enhance the usefulness of the equipment, gained more satisfactory results.
Through these methods and measures , the design of arm of the use of linkage of industrial machinery hand were completed.
Keywords:cylinder, linkage, gear, industrial machinery hand
3.抓取的工件呈圆柱形,重量为 。
4.臂部可以水平伸缩,且运动行程为 ,运动速度为为 。
6. 给定的连杆支承点的初始位置和终止位置。

目 录 13000字
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的来源及研究意义 1
1.2 工业机械手的应用现状及发展方向 1
1.3 臂部采用连杆机构的工业机械手的优点 2
第2章 总体方案的设计 3
2.1 设计任务分析 3
2.1.1 设计要求 3
2.1.2 任务分析 3
2.2 总体方案的确定 4
2.2.1 手部方案的确定 4
2.2.2臂部方案的确定 6
第3章 手部的设计 7
3.1 确定手部结构 7
3.2 手指夹紧力的计算 7
3.3 手部结构驱动力的计算 7
3.4 传动齿轮的设计及校核 7
3.4.1 确定齿轮的材料、热处理方法及等级精度 8
3.4.2 按齿面的接触疲劳强度设计齿轮 8
3.4.3 齿根的校核 9
3.4.4 计算齿轮的主要几何尺寸 10
3.4.5绘制齿轮的零件图 10
3.5 液压缸的设计与计算 11
3.5.1 计算活塞杆的驱动力 11
3.5.2 确定液压缸的安装形式 11
3.5.3 确定端盖与缸筒的结构及其连接方式 11
3.5.4 确定液压缸的基本参数 11
第4章 臂部的设计 16
4.1 连杆机构的选择 16
4.2 驱动力的计算 16
4.3 液压缸的设计与计算 17
4.3.1确定液压缸的安装形式 17
4.3.2确定端盖与缸筒的结构及其连接方式 17
4.3.3 确定液压缸的基本参数 17
4.4 连杆长度的计算及校核 21
4.4.1 作图法求连杆长度 21
4.4.2 校核连杆强度 23
第5章 电机及减速器的选择 29
5.1 电动机的选择 29
5.2 减速器的选择 29
结论 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32
附录 图纸列表