本文以TZ08D型装载机为例, 先介绍了TZ08D装载机工作装置结构,利用AUTOCAD2007对装载机工作装置进行初步设计,然后利用Pro/E软件进行装载机工作装置的三维实体设计,以真实地反映装载机的几何形状进而反映出各部件空间位置,有效地反映装载机真实结构,提供直观形象的实体图形,为进一步动态仿真和有限元分析做准备并及时发现和解决问题 。最后利用材料力学中的梁模型对工作装置动臂结构进行强度校核,以验证设计的合理性。满意
关键词: 装载机,Pro/ENGINEER,强度校核
The TZ08 D Front Wheel loader is the fourth generation small scaled Wheel loader in the Modern Agricultural Equipment Engineering Technique Company of Shandong Agricultural Machinery Research Institute. It is one machine extensively used for highway, railroad, construct, water electricity, port, mineral mountain etc and mainly used for a spade to pack soil, freestone, lime, coal...etc. to spread a form material.It can also make a light degree spade to dig homework to the mineral stone, hard soil etc.The abroad loader develop quickly, but our loaders exist a lot of problems on the design, among them mainly concentrating on designing strength in the credibility, structure etc.
With the TZ08 D wheel loader for a example, this text firstly introduce its structure and give preliminary designing with the help of AUTOCAD2007 , then asking for help of Pro/E software to carry on loading machine work device of 3D entity design for really reflecting loading machine of several the shape then reflects their position of each parts effectively and introduce its instruction to resolve a problem in time. Finally, the text checks for the strength of the boom structure in the loader with the help of beam mold in the Mechanics of Materials
Keywords: Wheel loader,Pro/Engineer,check for the strength
毕 业设计(论文)使用的原始资料(数据)及设计技术要求
保持载荷,提升物料到一定高度,将物料运输到卸荷地点、卸料, 然后回到装料处,如
(1)最大铲取力:最大铲取力: ;
(2)铲斗臂的最大举升力: ;
