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摘 要:卷板机作为一种特殊的机器,它在工业基础加工中占有重要的地位。广泛用于锅炉、造船、石油、木工、金属结构及其它机械制造行业。此篇设计是关于对称式三辊卷板机的设计,设计详细阐述了卷板机的结构和受力分析。卷板机结构型式为三辊对称式, 在该结构中上辊下压提供压力,两下辊做旋转运动,为卷制板材提供扭矩。动力源则选择了YZ系列的YZ160L—6型电动机,其工作特性优于Y系列电机,适用于有轻微震动的场合,在总体设计中涉及的减速器采用了三级展开式圆柱齿轮结构。
The Design of Small Three Roller Bending Machine
Abstract: As a special one, the bending machine occupies an important position in the basic industral processing . It is widely used in boiler, shipbuilding, oil, wood, metal structures and other machinery manufacturing industries.This article is a design of the symmetrical three rollers bending machine.The article expresses the structure and the force analysis of the bending machine. In this very strcture , the upper roller will press downward to offer the stress , and two lower rollers will whirling to provide the torque.Meanwhile , the power has been choosed as the YZ160L-6 belong YZ series electric motor whose working efficiency will definitely surpass the Y electric motor , and it is generally utilized in the condition which contains the slight shock .Besides, the speed reducer which is involved in the whole design utilized the structure of the three expansion.
Key words: bending machine; speed reducer axis; key; gear
