摘 要:目前生物燃料开发的重点是燃料乙醇,第一代燃料乙醇是淀粉乙醇(以玉米﹑薯类等为原料);第二代燃料乙醇是纤维素乙醇(作物秸秆﹑草本或者木本纤维植物等为原料)目前普遍认为,种植专用纤维类能源植物如芒草、柳枝稷等比利用农作物秸秆的成本更低,能量产出/投入比例更高。芒属植物作为专用能源作物开发利用的优势。栽培简便,产量高:为多年生C4植物,种植后高产期可维持15-20年,生产成本低,年干物质产量平均可达30-40t/公顷,且耐贮藏;纤维含量高:纤维素和半纤维素占干物质的80%左右;生态环保:矿物质含量低,燃烧充分,CO2净效应为零,无有害气体释放,有利于缓解温室效应,并有助于保持水土;热值高:燃烧时1吨干物质,相当于4桶原油的能量;适应性强:可利用边际土地大规模种植,符合发展生物能源“不与人争粮,不与粮争地”的基本原则。正因为这些原因,芒类生物质移动式破碎机在全国乃至全世界有着广阔的市场前景,芒类生物质移动式破碎机的研制就变的很有价值。
Design of Mans Class Biomass Mobile Crusher
Abstract: The current biofuel’s development will focus on fuel ethanol. The first generation of fuel ethanol is starch—ethanol(corn, potato as raw materials); the second generation of fuel ethanol is cellulosic ethanol (herbaceous or woody fiber plants as raw material).It is generally believed that the cost of planting specific plants , such as Miscanthus energy fiber and switch grass geometric, would be lower than using crop straw .And energy’s output / input ratio is higher than using crop straw. There are many advantages using Miscanthus as specific energy crops. Firstly, simple cultivation and high output. As the perennial C4 plants, Miscanthus can be maintained high output in15-20 years. The cost is low. Dry matter’s output could be got to 30 ~ 40t / ha every year, and be good at storage; Secondly, high fiber content. Cellulose and hemicellulose accounts for about 80% in all dry matter; Thirdly, being useful for environmental protection. the mineral content is low and full combustion.CO2’s net effect is zero and no harmful gas emissions. These all will help to ease the greenhouse effect, and help to maintain soil and water; Fourthly, high calorific value. The energy of combusting 1 ton of dry matter equals to 4 barrels of crude oil; fifthly, strong adaptability .we can use marginal land to cultivate it. And this acting is in line with the basic principle of development of bio-energy "Do not compete food with people, and do not compete land with the food,". For these reasons, Mountain Biomass mobile crusher in our country and even in the world has broad market prospects, Mountain Biomass Development of mobile crushers will become very valuable.
Keywords:miscanthus crusher;biofuels;design
2 工作部件的选择
2.1 技术要求
2.1.1 质量要好,碎段长度一致,有良好的工作性能。
2.1.2 切碎段长度可根据饲养要求而调节。
2.1.3 有自动喂料和抛出装置。
2.1.4 磨刀要方便,刀片有一定的耐磨性。喂入口安全性
2.2 课题预期目标:
2.2.1 调查研究芒类生物质切碎的工艺要求,确定芒类生物质破碎机的切碎工艺。
2.2.2 研究的芒类生物质破碎机最佳机理,确定芒类生物质破碎总体方案。
2.2.3 研究设计各部件工作原理及结构组成,并计算各零件的结构参数,绘制有关的图纸,编写技术文件,为试制生产做前期准备。
