来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK74239 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK74239
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摘 要
关键词: 拖拉机 离合器 储备系数 压紧力 摩擦片尺寸
In order to increase the level of agricultural mechanization in farming, to accelerate the pace of agricultural modernization, according to the existing clutch of a tractor and use of the performance of the work to complete the design of the clutch of a tractor. Through the design of the clutch, so that more excellent performance vehicle. When the first clutch in the design should be based on the type of model, requirements for a reasonable choice to use the clutch type, and a reasonable choice reserve coefficient, compaction, and friction, such as chip size of the specific value of the main parameters. Checked after the clutch (mainly for wear, sliding wear and heat checking Gong) and the main parts of the strength calculation, and the completion of the assembly drawing and mapping a number of parts. To achieve good use of the clutch
and the structure of technology.
Key words : Tractor Clutch Reserve coefficient Pressed power Friction plate size
1 在任何行驶条件下,传递发动机最大扭矩的能力有适当的储备。
2 接合要平顺,以保证汽车起步的平稳,没有抖动和冲击。
3 分离时要彻底,迅速。
4 离合器从动部件传动惯量要小,以便换档和减少换档时齿轮的冲击。
5 应设有扭转减振阻尼装置,使汽车传动系在工作转速范围内避免扭转共振,且具备 吸收振动能量,缓和冲击,降低噪声的能力,对于怠速时的振动和噪声的能力,对怠速时的振动和噪音也要引起重视。
6 具有良好的通风散热条件和必要的热容量,以保证离合器工作温度不以过高。
7 操纵轻便。
8 使用寿命要长,力求与汽车传动系其它总成等寿命。
