摘 要:我国的旋耕机目前不断配套新机具、增加新功能,在完善农用功能的基础上,逐步向城市园林、园艺领域扩展,如配套剪草、清雪、枝叶粉碎机具等;但暂未出现专用茶园旋耕机。本设计针对茶园作业环境和茶园作业要求,设计了一种小型茶园旋耕机用于松土、除草和起垄。该茶园旋耕机的机构包括机架、手扶手,机架上装有柴油机、减速器、链轮和耕作刀具。由柴油机将动力输送给减速器,减速器降低转速后输出给链轮,链轮经链条传递给刀轴,来实现旋耕刀的工作。旋耕刀旋转、以铣切原理加工土壤的耕整机械,具有切土效果好、碎土能力强、耕作地表平整等特点,一次作业可达到土碎地平。本茶园旋耕机可以爬坡,越埂、阶梯性强,适用我国广大丘陵和山区等地块小,高差大,无机耕道的茶园作业。
Design of a Rotary Tiller Utilized in a Tea Garden
Abstract: Our Rotary tiller is supporting the current new machinery, new features. At the basic of improving the agricultural functions, gradually spread to the urban landscape, horticulture areas of expansion, such as supporting grass, cleaning snow, a mill and other branches; but there has been no special tea rotary tiller yet. The design aims for the tea and tea operational requirements of operating environment, designed for a small tea Rotary tillage, weeding and ridging. The rotary machine of tea include rack, hand rails, rack with diesel engines, gear, sprocket and farming tools. Power is transmission from the engine to the gear, after reducing speed, the output is transmitted to chain wheel ,and then passed to axis, to achieve the rotary blade work. Rotary blade revolves, by principle of milling processing of soil tillage machinery, cut soil with good effect, broken soil with strong capacity, and smooth the surface. Once work, it can achieve soil horizon. Rotary machine can climb the slope, the more ridge, the stronger step, can be applied for the vast number of hills and mountains which have little land, a large height difference, inorganic garden tractor road operations.
Key words: Rotary Tiller; tea garden; farming tool; reducer.
