摘 要:本人的设计主要致力于分析和设计小型液压挖掘机的液压系统,本液压挖掘机的优点是采用伺服先导操纵系统,造型美观,论文对挖掘机的各种工况进行了分析,系统总结了挖掘机液压系统的设计要求。课题以企业为依托。小型挖掘机由多个系统组成,包括液压系统,传动系统,操纵系统,工作装置,底架,转台,油箱,发动机安装等。本液压挖掘机的优点是采用伺服先导操纵系统,造型美观,具备挖掘,抓物,钻孔,推土,清沟和破碎等功能。性能可靠,操作舒适,可广泛应用于建筑,市政,供水,供气,供电农林建设等工程。本课题选择了国内的质量和技术性能都接近设计要求的5t挖掘机作为基型,并在此基础上研究了国外的先进机型,设计出挖掘机的液压系统方案图,总体装配图以及相应的部件图和零件图,并对动臂机构部分进行了设计,设计了动臂机构原理图,动臂机构液压缸。图纸基本采用Auto CAD二维软件绘图。
=Desing of the SWE50 Type of the Hydraulic System ( the Part of Movable Arm) of Hydraulic Excavator With Electromechanical Integratiom
Abstract:My design is mainly dedicated to the analysis and design of small hydraulic excavator hydraulic system. This hydraulic excavator has the advantage of the servo pilot control system, handsome in appearance, the paper excavator various conditions were analyzed, the system summarizes the mining hydraulic system design requirements. Subjects rely on the enterprise. Excavator by a number of system components, including hydraulic systems, transmission systems, control systems, equipment, chassis, turntable, fuel tanks, engine installation. The advantages of hydraulic excavators is the use of servo pilot control system, handsome in appearance, with mining, grasping objects, drilling, earth moving, clear communication and breaking other functions. Reliable, comfortable operation and can be widely used in construction, municipal, water, gas, electricity and construction agriculture and forestry projects. The topics chosen for the national quality and technical performance are close to the design requirements of the 5t excavator as the base type, and on this basis, the advanced study of foreign models, design of hydraulic excavator system plan diagram, assembly drawing and the corresponding overall parts diagrams and parts diagram, and the boom part of the design agencies, design agency Schematic boom, boom cylinder body. The basic two-dimensional drawings using Auto CAD drawing software.
Keywords: excavator ;hydraulic pumps ;hydraulic valves; hydraulic system
液压挖掘机的主要功能运动包括以下几个动作:动臂升降、斗杆收放、铲斗装卸、转台回转、整机行走以及其它辅助动作。除了辅助动作 (例如整机转向等)不需全功率驱动以外,其它都是液压挖掘机的主要动作,要考虑全功率驱动。
(6) 回转工作装置至卸载位置
(7) 操纵斗杆、铲斗卸载
液压挖掘机一个作业循环的组成和动作的复合主要包括 :
(1) 挖掘:通常以铲斗液压缸或斗杆液压缸进行挖掘,或者两者配合进行挖掘,因此,在此过程中主要是铲斗和斗杆的复合动作,必要时,配以动臂动作。
(2) 满斗举升回转:挖掘结束,动臂液压缸将动臂顶起,满斗提升,同时回转液压马达使转台转向卸土处,此时主要是动臂和回转的复合动作。
(3) 卸载:转到卸土点时,转台制动,用斗杆液压缸调节卸载半径,然后铲斗液压缸回缩,铲斗卸载。为了调整卸载位置,还要有动臂液压缸的配合,此时是斗杆和铲斗的复合动作,间以动臂动作。
