4-DOF SCARA 机器人结构设计与运动模拟(含任务书,开题报告,论文说明书13000字,外文翻译,cad图纸,proe)
本文设计了一个工业用SCARA机器人。SCARA机器人(全称Selectively Compliance Articulated Robot Arm)很类似人的手臂的运动,它包含肩关节肘关节和腕关节来实现水平和垂直运动。它是一种工业机器人,具有四个自由度。其中,三个旋转自由度,另外一个是移动自由度。它能实现平面运动,具有柔顺性,全臂在垂直方向的刚度大,在水平方向的柔性大,广泛用于装配作业中。
关键字: SCARA 位姿误差
4-DOF SCARA robot design and motion simulation
Abstract :Industrial robot is the most typical mechatronic digital equipment, added value and high, wide range of applications, support for advanced manufacturing technology and information society, new industries, and social development of future production will increasingly play a The more important role.
This paper designs an industrial SCARA robot. SCARA robot (full name Selectively Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) is very similar to human arm movement, which includes the shoulder elbow and wrist joints to achieve horizontal and vertical movement. It is an industrial robot has four degrees of freedom. Among them, the three rotational degrees of freedom, the other is the DOF. It can achieve planar motion, with the flexibility, the whole arm in the vertical stiffness, flexibility in the horizontal direction of the large, widely used in assembly operations.
This method was designed with a modular design the mechanical structure of SCARA robot. Analysis of the SCARA robot inverse kinematics, and to establish the position and orientation of robot end of the model error.
Keywords: SCARA analysis
1. 以4-DOF SCARA 机器人为研究对象,按照下列技术要求,基于三维软件完成
4-DOF SCARA 机器人的结构设计及运动模拟、
(1) 抓重:≤1kg
(2) 自由度:4
(3) 运动参数:
小臂:±50。(回转角度),角速度≤1.8rad /s
