摘要:。在本次设计中,由于轮式行走机构结构紧凑且工作效率高,通过比较采用了轮胎式行走装置来满足设计要求。 根据设计要求,机重为11吨;轮胎规格为9.00-20;轮胎动力半径r =0.491米。挖掘机最大牵引力P =0.6机重;发动机功率N=58.8KW,转速2000r/min;油泵最大流量2×100l/min;最大工作压力21MPa。最高行驶速度31Km/h,设计取全桥驱动。上部转台是全回转式,因此它可在一个更大的范围内工作。又因采用液压机械传动控制而使整机性能得以改善。与传统机械式挖掘机相比,其行走能力提高到了很多。本次设计的主要内容为:液压挖掘机行走装置方案设计;绘制装配草图和总装配图;动力源选择及有关参数的确定;行走装置牵引力的计算;传动方式比较与选择、传动方案的确定及传动系统的技术设计;行星减速器及零、部件的设计计算,主要零件强度校核;绘制零、部件图和总装配图,进行仿真设计,编写设计计算说明书。
关键词:液压挖掘机 行走装置 减速器
Hydraulic excavator equipment design
Abstract:In this design, because the compact wheel running gear is high efficiency, by comparing the use of a tire to meet the design requirements of walking devices.According to design requirements, machine weight 11 tons; tire sizes 9.00-20; tire dynamic radius r = 0.491 meters. Excavator maximum traction P = 0.6 Weight; engine power N = 58.8KW, speed 2000r/min; pump maximum flow rate 2 × 100l/min; maximum working pressure of 21MPa. Maximum speed 31Km / h, designed to take full bridge driver.Upper turntable is the entire rotation, so it can be in a larger range.Because of the use of hydraulic mechanical transmission the entire machine performance can be improved.Compared with the traditional mechanical excavators, and its capacity to a lot of walking.The design of the main contents are: hydraulic excavator equipment design; assembly drawing general assembly drawings and sketches; power source selection and the determination of the parameters; running gear traction calculation; Transmission comparison and selection, determination and drive schemeTransmission of the technical design; planetary gear and parts and components of the design calculations, the main part strength check; drawn components and parts drawings, and assembly drawings, design calculations prepared statement.
The design of the main features are: program design presented in a variety of programs, from the reliability, can be realized, for programs such as comprehensive performance comparison options.Its structure is characterized by walking between the drive components and hydraulic transmission with gear drive, stretching through the cylinder to achieve the excavation of the power during walking.Differential with the rotary platform articulated the overall technical design should be considered a reasonable allocation, security; selection, processing methods and criteria refer to the relevant technical information; drawings in accordance with the design parameters to draw.Full attention to machine the correlation between the various subsystems, and strive to overall performance of the consistency and optimization.Machine operation capability can be seen from a considerable improvement, not only walking speed, and overall mining machinery, light weight, smooth drive, high efficiency, compact structure.
Keywords: Hydraulic walking device reducer
(1) 挖掘机行走装置的总体设计。
(2) 挖掘机的行走装置详细的力学分析。
(3) 行走装置各部分的基本尺寸的计算和验证。
(4) 行走装置主要部件的结构设计。仿真设计。
