摘 要
After more than ten years of development, the industrialization of China has continuously promoted, and the crane industry demands further increase.Overhead travelling crane is the main type of overhead type crane and it has the following advantages: high field utilization rate,greater scope of work, wide range adaption,good universality and so on. In general,overhead travelling crane is composed of srane span structure,hoisting mechanism ,wheeling mechanism,travelling mechanism of the larger traveller ,control carbin,the car conductive device,the general supply conductive device of srane etc.This design uses the electric double girder overhead travelling crane research.
The full text is divided into 5 parts to complete this design topic content:
The first part is the preface.In this part,the effect of crane, the development of the situation and existing problems of lifting equipment at home and abroad,the development direction of China will be introduced.
The second part is the determination of the overall layout of the structure.This part mainly analyzes the work characteristics and technical parameters of the crane.The constiturnt part of layout scheme include hoisting mechanism , wheeling mechanism,travelling mechanism of the larger traveller and calculation of wheel pressure will also be mentioned.This part include
The third part is the design of the bridge structure.It includes the main dimensions of overhead travelling crane such as the wheelbase of cart,height of main beam,end beam heigt,layout size of the stiffened plate and so on. We will consider the checking of calculating load,box structure beam and main weid.
The fourth part is the design of electrical part.The fundamental and development status of frequency control will be talked about. Overhead travelling crane,hoisting mechanism,cart
and trolley all need consider frequency control.There is a design of global PLC.
In the last part ,according to the conclusion,the paper has made analysis and summary to this design,giving the basic size and electrical part of Overhead travelling crane to be proved,pointing to the deficiencies and needing improvements of the argument.
Key words: Overhead travelling crane; ,hoisting mechanism; bridge structure; PLC

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国外发展现状 1
1.3 国内发展现状和目标 1
2 起重机总体结构的布置方案 2
2.1 起重机工作时的特点 2
2.2 起重机主要参数的确定 2
2.3 起重机的主要组成部分 2
2.3.1 起升机构的布置方案 2
2.3.2 小车运行机构的布置方案 3
2.3.3 大车运行机构的布置方案 4
2.4 起重机的轮压的计算 4
2.4.1 桥架支撑反力的计算 4
2.4.2 小车支承反力的计算 6
3 桥式起重机桥架结构的计算 7
3.1 主要尺寸的确定 7
3.1.1 已确定尺寸 7
3.1.2 大车轮距的计算 7
3.1.3 主梁高度的计算 7
3.1.4 端梁高度的计算 7
3.1.5 桥架端部梯形高度的计算 7
3.1.6 主梁腹板高度的选用 7
3.1.7 主梁截面尺寸的确定 7
3.1.8 加劲板的布置尺寸 8
3.2 计算载荷 10
3.2.1 固定载荷的计算 10
3.2.2 移动载荷的计算 11
3.2.3 水平惯性载荷的计算 11
3.2.4 车轮侧向载荷的计算 12
3.2.5 载荷组合 12
3.3 箱形结构主梁的计算 13
3.3.1 主梁垂直方向最大弯矩和剪力的计算情况 13
3.3.2 主梁水平方向最大弯矩的计算 14
3.3.3 主梁的强度验算 15
3.3.4 主梁的垂直刚度验算 17
3.3.5 主梁的水平刚度验算 17
3.4 主要焊缝的计算 18
3.4.1 主梁与端梁的连接焊缝 18
3.4.2 主梁上盖板焊缝 18
3.5 计算总结 19
4 电气部分的设计 20
4. 1 变频调速的基本原理及发展现状 20
4.1.1 变频器工作原理 20
4.1.2 变频调速的方式 20
4.1.3 变频器的类型 21
4.1.4 变频调速时电动机的过渡状态 21
4.1.5 变频器的功能 22
4.2 桥式起重机的变频调速 23
4.2.1 桥式起重机的负载特点 23
4.2.2 桥式起重机的调速方法和节能比较 23
4.2.3 电动机容量选择 25
4.2.4 变频器容量选择 25
4.3 起升机构的变频调速 25
4.3.1 起升机构的转矩分析 25
4.3.2 起升过程中电动机的工作状态 26
4.3.3 起升机构对拖动系统的要求 27
4.3.4 起升机构变频器的调速方案 27
4.4 大车的变频调速 29
4.4.1 大车拖动系统 29
4.4.2 大车变频调速控制要点 29
4.5 小车的变频调速 30
4.6 PLC控制系统的设计 30
4.6.1 PLC控制系统的设计原则 30
4.6.2 PLC控制系统的设计步骤 31
4.6.3 PLC制控系统的类型 31
4.6.4 PLC控制系统设计 31
5 结论与展望 42
5.1 结论 42
5.2 不足及展望 42
致谢 43
参考文献 44