Design of Three-dimensional Mixing Machine
Abstract: With the social progress, economic development, people's living standards improve, food plays an increasingly important industry in the country the proportion of the mixing machine in the industry have a wide range of uses, then the community needs of the mixer More and more, the specification is also growing. The purpose is to make the mixed ingredients in the mixture of water and the ingredients of the composition of the particle density distribution. In this paper, three-dimensional mixer applications in the production of food industry and a number of important significance in the development status at home and abroad. Currently on the market of all sizes with all types of mixing machines, raw materials are not suitable for small-scale wine processing plant mixing of products, so this design one of the main raw material for brewing according to the specificity of barley used to design a Rake the work mixer mixing head.
.Key words : Food processing industry;Three-dimensional mixer;Wine;Blender;Rake
1 前言
1.1 混料机介绍
混料机是一种混合机械产品,因其特点稳定耐用,在化工、制药、冶金、食品、畜牧水产等行业广泛使用。目前市场上的混料机有很多种类型,有立式混料机,高速 混料机,混色机混料机,粉体混料机,干粉混料机,塑料混料机等。但是在这些混料机中,却没有适合小型酿酒厂用于搅拌原料的产品,因此研制出适合这类厂商, 既物美又价廉的混料设备是很有必要的。
① 小面积叶片高转速的搅拌器,此类搅拌器多用于搅拌低粘度的物料。
② 大面积叶片低转速的搅拌器,此类搅拌器多用于搅拌高粘度的物料。
综 合大麦水溶性的特点,大麦粉的粘度变化范围大,其粘度变化也没有现成的规律可循,因此在计算搅拌器的功率和设计搅拌器的工作部件所得出的结果与方案,在实 际应用中可能会出现搅拌机的电机负荷过重、传递装置损坏、转轴及浆片变形过大等现象,因此对搅拌器功率和工作部件的设计与计算也是本次设计的重点,只有让 设计出来的混料机既符合要求,又能在现实中合理使用,才能保证质量。