摘 要
In order to adapt to the rapid development in the new century, industrial steel enterprise production capacity has increased a lot then before, the annular heating furnace technology has been more mature, the traditional pushed steel type translation machine dose not suitable for using in the annular heating furnace any more. In order to adapt to the characteristics of the annular heating furnace a new type of feeding machine has been tailored specifically for the annular heating furnace is installed. The model of this machine includes the whole frame, car and clamp stem. Using clamping cylinder and the cylinder to lift the bar clamp on steel clip and lifting movement, and installed with the car pliers stem, can be translated on the rails in the frame. The car was droved by a electric motor, the electric motor was droved by the gears which installed in the motor. According to the characteristics of annular heating furnace, two feeding machines were installed respectively in the loading and discharging part. These two machines simultaneously outfit feeding, greatly improving the efficiency of heating steel, also improve the efficiency of the whole factory work efficiency and economic benefit and coincide with the current idea of high-yield, high-quality and low consumption.
Keywords: annular heating furnace; Pack feeding; Finite element analysis; high Efficient
通过对低位发热量为1560 kj/m3的高焦炉混合煤气对40t/h环形加热炉设计,合理的设计环形炉的尺寸、各个加热段的分配以及对整个烟道的布置。通过对生产过程的各个环节的受热情况及热平衡的计算,了解并熟悉环形炉的整个布局和建造的要求.
1. 根据图纸,熟悉加热炉的炉体结构及布置情况
2. 根据工艺流程图结合设计的目的及基本条件确定基本的计算方案
3. 做环形加热炉尺寸、燃料部分设计计算以及排烟系统的计算

目 录
摘 要 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题来源及意义 1
1.2 环形加热炉的简单介绍 2
1.2.1 炉形结构: 2
1.2.2 装取料口距离计算: 3
1.3 装取料机的简单介绍 4
1.4 国内外的发展情况 5
2 装取料机的设计说明及工作原理 8
2.1 装取料机的设计说明及工作原理 9
3 装取料机的机械结构及设计计算 14
3.1 整体的设计 14
3.2 钳杆的结构设计及计算 14
3.2.1 钳杆的整体机构设计: 15
3.2.2 钳杆的长度: 15
3.2.3 钳杆的直径: 15
3.2.4 两气缸型号的确定: 15
3.2.5 钳杆校核 16
3.2.6 齿轮校核: 18
3.3 小车的结构设计及计算 22
3.3.1 小车的整体设计: 22
3.3.2 车体的设计计算 22
3.3.3 前轮的设计计算: 24
3.3.4 轮轴的设计及校核: 24
3.3.5 后轮的设计计算: 26
3.3.6 后下轮的设计计算: 26
3.4 整体机架结构的设计及计算 27
3.4.1 横梁的设计计算: 27
3.4.2 立柱的设计: 29
3.4.3 连接梁的设计: 30
4 合理性分析 32
4.1 钳杆的有限元分析 32
4.2 横梁工字钢的有限元分析 34
结论与展望 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38