摘 要
This topic is the study of a station on both sides of the cylinder head for processing fine boring combination machine, mainly on the overall structure of machine tool, fixtures, and multi-axle design. Firstly, this paper outlines the development of combined machine, explians its feature is low-cost, high efficiency, and with simple operation etc... Then tells the machine tool fixture design, the use of "locating a surface with two pins" positioning ways to make more accurate positioning; through error analysis, fixture clamping force calculation to determine the overall structure. Secondly, the design is a combination machine, the key is the program development process, which largely determines the form of combination machine configuration and performance, and the preparation of "the three charts card". Finally, the research is about multi-axle design, size and processing through the workpiece hole position calculated headstock outline dimensions; calculated according to the torque shaft and shaft diameter; determined by analogy gear modulus; through the "Calculation , mapping and repeated trial and error "OK gear and intermediate shaft position. In the overall design process, first select the required power by calculating the power box, and then choose the distribution of multi-spindle axle; after power box and processed according to the choice of hydraulic travel diagram slide, and then the hydraulic multi-slide supporting optional axle; together with loading height, slide, side stand each other to determine the location of the middle of the base of the height and length.
Key words: Aombination machine; Boring; Cylinder head; Multi-spindle box
① 熟悉组合机床的发展历程,特别是从1956年我国开始自行设计制造并得到很大发展的历史;
② 熟悉组合机床通用部件和专用部件的选用;
③ 完成组合机床的总体设计、多轴箱设计和夹具设计;
④ 熟练运用CAD等制图软件;
查阅资料,调查研究;进行零件的工艺分析,选择加工方案;确定切削用量,切削功率;确定组合机床的配置形式和结构方案;编制“三图一卡”; 多轴箱的设计(含必要的计算);夹具设计。
① 组合机床的总体设计。
② 多轴箱设计。
③ 夹具的设计。

目 录
摘 要 III
目录 IV
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 1
1.3本课题应达到的要求 1
2 设计方案的确定 2
2.1工件的大小、形状和加工部分的特点 2
2.2生产率的影响 2
2.3经济性与可靠性 2
3专用夹具的设计 3
3.1夹具的功用与组成 3
3.2夹具的设计 3
3.2.1调研分析 3
3.2.2确定工件定位方式 3
3.2.3确定工件加紧方式 4
3.2.4必要的加工精度计算及分析 4
3.2.5夹紧力计算、分析 4
4 组合机床总体设计 6
4.1组合机床的组成 6
4.1.1组合机床的特点 6
4.1.2组合机床的工艺范围 6
4.1.3组合机床配置型式 6
4.1.4组合机床的设计步骤 7
4.2组合机床工艺方案的确定 7
4.2.1组合机床工艺方案的基本原则 7
4.2.2确定组合机床工艺方案应注意的问题 7
4.2.3工艺方案的拟订 8
4.2.4工序间余量的确定 8
4.2.5刀具结构的选择 9
4.3切削用量的确定 9
4.3.1组合机床切削用量选择的特点、方法及注意问题 9
4.3.2组合机床切削用量选择方法及应注意的问题 9
4.3.3确定切削速度和切削用量 9
4.3.4切削力、切削转矩、切削功率 10
4.3.5确定主轴类型、尺寸、外伸长度 10
4.3.6动力部件工作循环及行程的确定 11
4.4组合机床总体设计——“三图一卡” 11
4.4.1被加工零件工序图 11
4.4.2绘制加工零件工序图 12
4.4.3加工示意图 13
4.4.4机床联系尺寸图 16
5 组合机床多轴箱的设计 22
5.1多轴箱的基本结构及表达式 22
5.1.1 多轴箱的组成 22
5.1.2 多轴箱总图绘制方法特点 22
5.2通用多轴箱设计 22
5.2.1 绘制多轴箱设计原始依据图 22
5.2.2 主轴、齿轮的确定及动力计算 23
5.2.3 多轴箱传动设计 25
5.2.4 绘制多轴箱总图及零件图 28
6 结论与展望 30
6.1结论 30
6.2不足之处及未来展望 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
附 录 33