摘 要
关键词:摆线传动 ; 摆线轮 ; 受力分析
The cycloid—gear reducer is one of the most important transmission components of the pumping unit by its smaller volume,lighter weight and effective transmission. In order to realize four targets which include high transmission efficiency, high reliability and the excellent dynamics performance and guarantee credible lubricate ability, receive high efficiency of transmission, and make it easy for manufacture, assembly and inspection, we thought over all the requests in the round and design the rational structure cycloid—gear reducer.
By analyzing characteristics and working principle of cycloid drive, and the output pin wheel cycloid drive’s working principle, we obtion the design theory and method of this new kind of reduce. This paper mainly complete works include that provide the design method and complete the prototype design and dynamics analysis of virtual prototype.
This paper researches the following aspects of the output pin wheel cycloid drive. First, the basic parameters and dimensions of main parts of the output pin wheel cycloid drive are designed referring to design and calculation methods of the traditional cycloid drive, and mechanical analysis of the transmission system and the load condition and life of rotary arm bearings and steady bearings of each shafts are calculated, and at the same time the calculations including the strength of cycloid wheel, pins and other major parts are completes. Then, using CAD to draw sketches of the main components and final assembly drawing.
Keywords:Planet—cycloid Reducer; Cycloid ;force analysis
① 了解工业机器人的总体设计的相关内容;
② 熟悉摆线针轮行星减速器的各个部分;
③ 熟练摆线针轮行星减速器的传动比的计算;
④ 掌握摆线轮行星曲线齿廓形成原理;
⑤ 掌握对摆线轮、针轮及其他只要零件尺寸的计算及校核

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景和依据 1
1.2 本课题的研究意义 1
1.3 课题国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1
2 摆线针轮行星传动的简介 4
2.1摆线针轮的概念 4
2.2 摆线针轮减速机的用途,使用说明和注意事项 4
2.2.1 用途 4
2.2.2 使用条件 4
2.2.3 润滑 4
2.2.4 安装 5
2.3 摆线针轮行星减速器的构造 5
2.4 齿廓曲线的形成及其啮合原理 6
2.5 摆线针轮行星传动的特点及应用 8
3工业机器人的总体设计 9
3.1工业机器人的组成 9
3.1.1 工业机器人的系统组成 9
3.1.2 工业机器人的基本机能组成 9
3.2 机器人的结构分析 9
3.2.1 机器人的总体结构的概念 9
3.2.2机器人的传动结构 10
3.3机器人的设计分析及总体方案的确定 11
3.3.1 设计的任务要求 11
3.3.2总体方案的确定 12
3.3.3 工业机器人的主要技术参数 12
4 摆线针轮行星齿轮传动的传动比计算和传动特点 12
4.1摆线针轮行星齿轮传动的传动比计算 13
4.2啮合的齿廓形成原理 14
5 摆线针轮行星齿轮传动设计 15
5.1针轮行星轮系的材料 15
5.2 第一套摆线针轮加速器的设计 15
5.2.1 选择结构形式,齿数及材料 15
5.2.2 强度计算针齿中心圆半径 15
5.2.3计算摆线轮和针轮的几何尺寸 16
5.2.4 转臂轴承的选择计算 17
5.2.5 针齿销弯曲强度计算 18
5.2.6 W输出机构销轴弯曲强度计算 19
5.3 第二套摆线针轮减速器的设计 20
5.3.1 选择结构形式,齿数及材料 20
5.3.2 接触强度计算针齿中心圆半径 20
5.3.3 计算摆线轮和针轮的几何尺寸 20
5.3.4 转臂轴承的选择计算 21
5.3.5 针齿销弯曲强度计算 22
5.3.6 W输出机构销轴弯曲强度计算 22
6行星齿轮传动输出轴的轴承选择 24
7 主要零件的机械加工工艺规程 25
7.1 摆线轮的加工工艺路线 25
7.2 针齿壳的加工工艺路线 26
7.3 输出轴加工工艺 26
7.4 偏心套加工工艺 27
8结论与展望 29
8.1 结论...............29
8.2 展望..............29
致谢 .30
参考文献 31