摘 要
雕铣机的出现弥补了通用数控机床 (铣床、钻床等)加工功能单一,加工中心加工小型产品成本过高的不足。数控雕铣机既可以雕刻,也可铣削, 是一种高效高精的数控机床,为我国制造业的发展提供了一种性价比很高的新型机床产品,是我国机床工业中的新产品
The Emergence of engraving and milling machine makes up for deficiencies of general CNC machine tools (milling machine, drilling machine , etc.) .The shortcomings are single processing function and high cost of machining center processing of small products . The CNC engraving and milling machine,a highly efficient high-precision CNC machine tools, can not only be used to sculpturing but also milling providing a highly valued new machine products for the development of China's manufacturing industry ,which is the new product of new-style high-end manufacturing industry in China's machine tool industry.
This paper introduces the design process of the mechanical structure on the CNC engraving and milling machine , including the overall program design of the machine tool, the design of the main drive system in X and Z axis to the feed the transmission system of mechanical structure . In the design of the main transmission system, this paper mainly analysis the mechanical structure of electric spindle ,the way of cooling and lubrication of the electric spindle , a mechanical mechanism of 3 kW spindle soleplate , the feed drive system in the Z direction mainly analysis the installation of the screw, guide rail bearing, and the relevant fixing and supporting . There are calculation of spindle cutting force, calculation of spindle system of gravity ,calculation of the choice of ball screw , calculation of Z axis servo motor selection and calculation of the rolling bearing selection. Finally, complete machine assembly drawing, part assembly drawing, part drawing etc.
Key words: CNC engraving and milling machine; spindle; servo motor; ball screw;Guide;

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪 论 1
1.1 数控雕铣机的概述 1
1.2 数控雕铣机和数控铣床及加工中心的比较 1
1.3 雕铣机与雕刻机的比较 2
1.4 国内数控雕铣机的发展和现状 3
1.5 本章小结 6
2 数控雕铣机总体方案设计 7
2.1 机床总体结构设计 7
2.2 主运动方案设计 8
2.3 进给运动方案设计 9
2.3.1 数控机床进给传动系统的基本形式 9
2.3.2 以上几种传动方案的简介和比较 9
2.4 本次设计主要技术参数 10
2.5 本章小结 10
3 主轴部件设计 11
3.1 电主轴的基本结构 11
3.2 主轴系统的计算 11
3.3 主轴设计 13
3.4 轴承选用及寿命校验 14
3.4.1 轴承受力分析 14
3.4.2 轴承寿命检验 14
3.4.3 轴承的寿命L 16
3.5 电主轴的冷却与润滑及安装 16
3.6 本章小结 17
4 Z向进给传动设计计算 18
4.1 滚珠丝杠副的选择 18
4.2 Z向进给伺服电机功率的计算及选择 23
4.3 滚珠丝杠的支承结构及制动装置 27
4.4联轴器的类型和选择 28
4.5 Z向导轨 28
4.6 本章小结 29
5 X向进给运动计算 30
5.1滚珠丝杠的选型与校核 30
5.1.1 计算丝杠最大动载荷 30
5.1.2 滚珠丝杠螺母副的选型 30
5.1.3 传动效率计算 30
5.1.4 刚度计算 30
5.1.5 稳定性校核 31
5.2 电动机的计算与选型 31
5.2.1 初选步进电动机 31
5.2.2 校核步进电动机转矩 32
5.3 本章小结 34
6 结 论 35
6.1 课题研究的主要结论 35
6.2 展望 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
附 录 38