摘 要
In today's world, modern industrial technology are rapidly developing with each passing day. In the field of machinery manufacturing, people are increasingly high requirements for the quality, accuracy and efficiency of the machine parts. Therefore, for a machine with a new generation of machined parts is also increasing. In this trend, driven by CNC machine tools transform the structure optimization design becomes very significant. A large number of CNC machine tools just mushroomed into the machinery manufacturing industry. Such as CNC engraving machine plays an important role in the field of mold, PCB circuit board, and advertising signs.
In this paper, surveys and studies have been done of the fixed beam CNC engraving machine CNC machine tools development at home and abroad as well as its outlook for manufacturing in the future, and the structure of the CNC machine to do the research and design optimization, the overall layout design machine main drive system design (the electric spindle or motor directly connected to the transmission structure), machine tool feed motion systems (rail and ball screw) structural design, the ball screw calculation of selection and check the bearing and motor the calculation and selection, and finally the use of CAD drawing software to draw the general assembly drawing of the machine, some parts diagram and structure diagram.
Key words: CNC engraving and milling machine;spindle;rail;ball screw

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 数控雕刻技术的产生 1
1.2 本课题研究的内容及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究状况及其发展趋势 1
1.4 雕刻机机械系统设计的主要技术指标 4
2 雕刻机总体布局方案设计 5
2.1 数控雕刻机布局要求及影响因素 5
2.2 数控雕刻机总体结构布局 6
2.3 数控雕刻机结构的改良对比 7
2.4 工作台的结构设计 9
2.5 本章小结 10
3 主传动系统的方案设计 11
3.1 主运动传动系统设计 11
3.2 电主轴 12
3.2.1 电主轴的介绍 12
3.2.2 电主轴的结构及其优点 12
3.2.3 电主轴的安装 14
3.3 本章小结 14
4 机床进给系统方案设计 15
4.1 进给传动系统选择 15
4.1.1 进给传动系统的要求 15
4.1.2 进给传动系统的基本形式 15
4.1.3 以上几种传动方案的简介和比较 15
4.2 滚珠丝杠系统 17
4.2.1 滚珠丝杠副的选择 17
4.2.2 滚珠丝杠支承结构 17
4.2.3 支承轴承的选择 19
4.2.4 滚珠丝杠副的制动装置 19
4.2.5 步进电机与进给丝杠的联结结构 19
4.3 滚动导轨的安装定位 20
4.4 本章小结 20
5 主传动及X向进给系统部分零件计算和校核 21
5.1 主传动零部件计算及校核 21
5.1.1 主轴参数设计 21
5.1.2 主轴系统铣削力的计算 21
5.1.3 滚珠丝杠副参数的计算选择 22
5.1.4 滚珠丝杠副的强度校核 25
5.1.5 伺服电机参数计算和型号选择 26
5.2 X向进给系统零部件计算及校核 28
5.2.1 X向丝杠的选型及校核 28
5.2.2 丝杠轴承的选择及计算 29
5.3 本章小结 30
6 展望和结论 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
附 录 34
序号 图号 图纸名称 图符
1 DKJ-00 定梁式数控雕刻机装配图 A0
2 DKJ-00-01 轴承座1零件图 A2
3 DKJ-00-06 轴承座2零件图 A2
4 DKJ-00-03 丝杠支承滑块零件图 A3
5 DKJ-00-04 X向滑板零件图 A2
6 DKJ-00-16 衬套零件图 A4
7 DKJ-00-18 主轴轴套零件图 A4
8 DKJ-00-20 主轴端盖零件图 A4
9 DKJ-00-23 X向导轨零件图 A1
10 示意图1 电主轴结构图 A3
11 示意图2 横梁导轨布局示意图 A3
12 示意图3 工作平台结构示意图 A3
13 示意图4 机床初步布局示意图 A3