摘 要
关键词: 筒体切割加工;组合机床;主轴箱。
Portfolio is a highly efficient machine for machine tools, there are specific conditions of use, is not under any circumstances to receive good economic returns, in determining the design of machine tools, should carry out specific economic and technical analysis. Processing products with a mechanical parts, usually have a variety of programmes, various options have different economic effects, the impact of technological and economic factors are many, sometimes technical indicators advanced programmes, economic indicators do not necessarily superior, therefore, need to On the technical, economic indicators for comprehensive evaluation, comprehensive views of the majority, elected Optimization of economic evaluation, if you satisfied with the decision.
This topic is designed to face cylinder pipe cutter machine combinations. Its benefits from the special Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.. In the design: The study was part of the processing characteristics of the relevant data, the relevant components of choice to determine the overall layout of machine tools. And the mapping of processes to be processed parts map, diagram processing, machine size map and the associated productivity calculation card. On this basis the development of the spindle box of transmission lines, the design of the shaft structure, a pulley and shaft, and other relevant parts of the strength and stiffness Verification, and spindle box assembly to map out plans and related spare parts plans. Tool Guide to achieve a ball screw feed. Workpiece positioning using three jaw chuck blocks, a fixture not only guarantee the completion of the hole processing precision, but also improve the processing efficiency and reduce the labor intensity of the workers.
Key words: cylinder pipe cutter; combination machine; Headstock。

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 惠发特精密机械有限公司简介 1
1.2 本次设计任务简介 1
1.3 本次设计任务相关要求 1
2 总体设计 2
2.1 几种切管方式的比较 2
2.2 总体的布局 3
2.3 切削力的确定和电机的选择 3
2.4 调节机构的确定 4
2.5 冷却系统的选用 4
3 主轴箱设计 6
3.1 主轴箱的原理依据和要求 6
3.1.1 使用要求 6
3.1.2 工艺要求与润滑 6
3.2 主轴的结构 7
3.2.1 主轴的构造 7
3.2.2 主轴的材料和热处理 7
3.2.3 主轴的技术要求 8
3.2.4 主动轴的设计 8
3.2.5 按弯矩合成力校核轴的强度 9
3.2.6 轴承的选用 12
3.2.7 轴承寿命计算与润滑 13
3.3 传动系统设计 14
3.3.1 计算并选择电机 14
3.3.2 V带传动的设计计算 15
3.3.3 齿轮传动的设计计算与润滑 18
3.3.4 从动轴几何尺寸计算 22
3.3.5 进给系统的设计 28
3.3.6 导轨形式的确定 28
3.3.7 其它零部件 29
4 床身的设计 31
4.1 材料和路线选择 31
4.2 主轴箱箱体的结构和材料 31
4.2.1 各部位及附属零件的名称和作用 31
4.2.2 机体结构 32
5 调节系统的设计 36
5.1长度的调节 36
5.2 径向的调节 37
6 改进方案的设计 38
6.1 控制电器与执行电器的选择 38
6.2 线路的设计 38
7 结论与展望 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42