With the development of science and technology, the number of cars is increasing; people on the performance of automotive engine are increasingly high requirements. But for the domestic automobile research Co, technology is not mature enough. Most of them are the introduction of foreign advanced technology. This led to the majority of domestic market to provide unlimited business opportunities for foreigners. Japan’s Toyota engine VVT-I talent showing itself among the engine. In recent years, as the Japanese took money. So you want to adapt to environmental changes in the fierce competition in the market, strengthen the research on the new technology of the imminent.
Leakage detection is an important step to improve the engine, has been more and more research. Leakage detection engine under normal conditions is helpful to find the engine problems and shortcomings, and then be improved, to ensure that every factory engine has good performance. To improve the quality of products and improve product reputation, making signs for products.
In this paper, starting from the structure design, knowledge and practical experience has been applied science, combined with the characteristics of the engine, conducts the research to the structure design of leakage detection system. Such as test-bed, hydraulic system design and the fuel tank design. The structure design includes the steel frame design, selection of the material composition and working table. Hydraulic system has the part of hydraulic power and control design. The fuel tank designs the selection of structure and capacity design and auxiliary components. In order to determine of the overall design of test bench and the development trend in the future for the domestic automobile industry walk out of a new road to riches.’
Key words: engine; leak detection technology; configuration design; hydraulic pressure
2.2 可变气门正时系统特点

目 录
摘要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 2
2 设计内容概述 3
2.1 引言 3
2.2 可变气门正时系统特点 3
2.2.1 VVT-i的组成 3
2.2.2 VVT-i的工作原理 4
2.2.3 运用到汽车发动机上的作用 4
3 试验台架结构设计内容 5
3.1 钢架设计 5
3.1.1 钢架的设计准则及一般要求 5
3.1.2 钢架结构的设计步骤 5
3.1.3 钢架结构的选择 6
3.1.4 确定钢架结构外形 7
3.2 工作台面的组成 7
3.2.1 工装上平板焊接合件 7
3.2.2 OCV工装支撑板和VVT工装底板 8
3.2.3 泄漏工装和压板 9
3.2.4 OCV工装、VVT泄漏工装和流量传感器工装 10
3.2.5 防护玻璃罩 12
3.3 各部分材料 12
4 台架的液压系统设计 13
4.1 液压系统的基本组成及设计要求 13
4.1.1 液压系统的基本组成 13
4.1.2 液压系统的设计要求 13
4.2 动力部分设计 13
4.2.1 泵的选型 13
4.2.2 电机的选型 16
4.3 液压系统控制部分 18
4.3.1 液压控制阀的分类 19
4.3.2 液压阀的选择 19
4.3.3 溢流阀的选择 20
4.3.4 减压阀的选择 21
4.3.5 节流阀的选择 22
4.3.6 机油控制阀(OCV)在气门正时系统中的作用 22
4.4 集成阀的介绍 23
4.5 液压系统辅助元器件 24
4.5.1 恒温器的简单介绍 24
4.5.2 蓄能器的简单介绍 24
4.5.3 过滤器的介绍 25
4.5.4 空气滤清器的介绍 25
5 油箱的设计 26
5.1 油箱的构造与设计要点 26
5.2 本液压系统中油箱的设计说明 27
5.2.1 本液压系统中油箱的设计说明 27
5.2.2 油箱的容量与计算 27
5.2.3 油箱的辅助元器件 28
6 三维实体造型 29
6.1 整体台架结构造型 29
6.2 部分组成部分的造型简介 29
6.3 油箱造型的重点介绍 31
7 结论与展望 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34