摘 要
The machining process planning is the process of document products or parts machining process and method of operation. In order to exact description of process, the machining process is divided into process, installation, position, working step and walk the knife. While the production level, technology level and means to solve various technical problems are reflected by the machining process planning. Therefore, the machining process planning design is an important and strict working. Generally,it includes the following steps: reading assembly and parts drawings, process recviewing;being familiar with the blank or determining the blank, formulating the route of machining process, determination of process equipments (including machine tool, fixture tool,cutter and measuring tool), determination of the technical requirements of the main process and test methods, determination of machining allowance, the process calculation procedure dimensions, determination of the amount of cutting, determination of the time quota, filling the process documents.
Fixture is a device clamping workpiece. It is widely used in the manufacturing process of machining, heat treatment, welding equipment, and detection technology. It has a great role in the production, specifically manifested in: quality of assurance process, increasing of the rate of productivity, reducing the labor intensity, expanding the scope of technology of machine tool. Machine tool fixture installing on the workpiece (also called clamping) includes two meanings: one is that placing artifact in the workpiece worktable of a machine tool or fixture in order to make a relatively correct position between it and the tool called location. Another is that workpiece is fixed, so as to maintain position position unchanged in the process known as the clamp.
Design of the pneumatic system is an important content of equipment controlling and operation designing. According to the specific requirements of the electrical and mechanical equipment hydraulic, and the basic principle of transmission by gas,we can formulate reasonable pneumatic system diagram. Pneumatic drive can switch mechanical energy into air pressure by air compressor motor or other original motivation. With the help of the control elements and auxiliary components, it can switch air pressure into mechanical energy through the implementation of components,so as to complete the linear or rotary motion and external work.
The design topic is the design of PD24J carburetor idle hole test sealing equipment. Firstly,I must make the analysis to the carburetor body and design mechanical parts of fixture, including the calculation of positioning errors and the clamping force. Secondly,I should make the design of pneumatic parts, including the calculation of the pneumatic circuit and pipeline. The last one is that the design of electrical part of PLC, including the work flow diagram and ladder diagram.
Key words: Process specification; Fixture; Pneumatic; Clamping force; PLC

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 1
2 总体方案设计 2
2.1 本装置的主要组成部分 2
2.2 机械部分的作用及其设计原则 2
2.3 气动部分的功能 2
2.4 PLC部分的功能 3
3 机械部分的设计 4
3.1 定位基准的选择 4
3.1.1 粗基准的选择 4
3.1.2 精基准的选择 4
3.2 零件表面加工工序的选择 4
3.2.1 工序顺序的安排原则 4
3.2.2 加工阶段的划分 5
3.3 机械加工工艺路线的拟定 5
3.4 问题的提出 7
3.5 夹具的设计 7
3.5.1 夹紧力的计算 8
3.5.2 加工误差分析 8
3.6 机架的设计 9
3.6.1 机架设计的一般要求 9
3.6.2 机架的类型 9
3.6.3 机架的常用材料及热处理方法 10
3.6.4 焊接机架与铸造机架的特点比较 10
4 气动部分的设计 12
4.1 气动系统的设计 12
4.1.1 回路压力的确定 12
4.1.2 装置的工作要求 12
4.2 气动回路的设计 13
4.3 气动元件及配管尺寸的确定 13
4.3.1 气缸的计算与选择 13
4.3.2 辅助元件及配管尺寸的确定 17
4.3.3 管道的计算 20
5 电气部分的设计 22
5.1 泄漏检测仪的选用 22
5.2 PLC的设计 23
5.2.1 PLC的优点 23
5.2.2 被控对象的控制要求 23
5.2.3 工作循环和状态流程图 23
5.2.4 I/O接线图 25
5.2.5 梯形图 25
5.2.6 语句表 26
5.2.7 使用注意事项 27
5.3 零件的测绘 27
6 结论与展望 30
6.1 结论 30
6.2 不足之处及未来展望 30
致 谢 31
主要参考文献 32