摘 要
With the market increasingly stringent requirements on product quality and the strengthening of the international requirements of environmental protection. Our precision parts cleaning industry is facing a great challenge. For the destruction of the ozone layer , the ODS class cleaning crafts are prohibited from using which has dominated for a long time in the field of precision parts cleaning. As a substitute for the emergence of some chlorinated hydrocarbon cleaning agents, Water-based cleaning agent and hydrocarbon solvents are toxic, water treatment is cumbersome. Besides, cleaning effect is less effective and hard to dry, what’s more, the security is low and other shortcomings. All those shortcomings have hindered the development of the domestic cleaning industry.
This paper focuses on the cleaning apparatus of the cleaning step in the production of the type EG-6203 bearing’s design. It uses current technology ultrasonic cleaning instead of the original mechanical cleaning, work processes are as follows: we take the bearing which has been cleaned in the automatic feed mechanism feeding disc, The feeding disc were rotated by the gear motor. Through the effects of Centrifugal force, and bearing in the role of a blocking plate Pusher are putted into the rail. And then turn into the pusher cylinder position. Sensor contact switch control cylinder before feeding back porcelain magnetic bearing is removed, and then into the ultrasonic cleaning tank, and then drying tank, and finally into the greasing packaging production line, feed station on the rail. The design of the EG-6203 bearing ultrasonic cleaning machine is PLC controlled automatic ultrasonic cleaning machine. With automatic feeding, auto-sensing demagnetization, automatic counting, the entire cleaning spray dried, monitor the entire alarm function. Now bearing manufacturing greatly improve efficiency, greatly enhance the rate of qualified products.
Key words: Ultrasonic wave;Bearing cleaning machine;Feeding mechanism;Automatic control.
① 熟悉超声波清洗技术的发展历程,特别是近十几年来提出的对于轴承进行的全自动的清洗技术。
② 熟练掌握超声波清洗设备的分类,超声波清洗时的工艺流程以及相关的要求;
① 在理想的工作条件下,分析轴的受力情况,绘制轴的矩形图。
② 在理想的工作条件下,对轴上各个零件进行受力分析,选取合适的零件。

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题来源 1
1.2 课题意义 1
1.2.1 超声波清洗的特点 1
1.2.2 现代超声波在轴承清洗中的发展趋势 2
1.3超声波的分类及其主要工作器件 2
1.3.1 通用超声波清洗机 3
1.3.2 超声清洗机用的超声波发生器 3
1.3.3 专用超声波清洗机 5
2 总体方案设计 7
2.1 总体方案设计的综述 7
2.2 超声波发生器 8
2.2.1 超声波发生器的简述 8
2.2.2 超声波发生器的原理 8
2.3 清洗槽 8
2.4 自动送料机构 10
3 清洗槽的具体设计 12
3.1 导轨的结构 12
3.2 清洗油泵、风机的设计 12
3.3 油喷针和风喷嘴设计 14
4 自动送料机构的设计 15
4.1原理、结构及工作过程 15
4.2轴的设计及校核 15
4.3轴承的设计和校核 18
4.4挡料板的设计 20
4.5齿轮的校核 20
4.5.1 齿轮的失效形成 20
4.5.2 齿轮设计的要求 21
4.5.3 齿轮的设计及校核 21
5 自动控制电路 25
5.1 PLC简介 25
5.1.1 下列为I/O分配表 26
5.1.2 下列为本设计的程序符号注释表 27
5.1.3 人机界面控制 30
5.1.4 本程序的梯形图 30
6 结论与展望 32
6.1结论 32
6.2不足之处及未来展望 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34