摘 要
The special-purpose lathe is extensively demanded by enterprises in the modern mechanical manufacturing industry. The ordinary lathe not only need a large number of man-power but also has a low performance. In addition, its productivity is low and the accuracy can’t be ensured. However, the special-purpose lathe can not merely help enterprises to boost productivity great, saving a large number of manpower and material resource, still can improve the quality of the products. Meanwhile, it is easily maneuvered and guarantees workers’ safety. With the development of technology, multi-axles drilling machines are used in manufacturing frequently. Hence, the use of the special-purpose lathe plays an important part in the competitiveness of enterprises.
This design mainly solved two big problems: the multi-axles drilling over-all design and fixture design. In order to solve these two problems, first of all, we analyzed drilling total design project, including processing technology analysis, drilling machine of the design of drilling way, which solved the problem of the overall design of drilling; Then we adopt the fixture design reasonable drill template and positioning device on the reasonable positioning, thus completing hole enlargement hinge process, solved the multi-axles drilling fixture design of another problem, also discusses the multi-axles drilling fixture design problem, this paper presents fixture design scheme, including the workplace positioning analysis, thus make error analysis is processed workplace to meet the design requirements.
Key words: multi-axles drilling machine total design project fixture design

目 录
摘 要 1
1、前 言 7
2、多轴钻床总体设计 9
2.1 概论 9
2.2 多轴钻床总体布局分析 10
2.2.1零件的加工工艺方法对总体布局的影响 10
2.2.2机床的运动分配对总体布局的影响 10
2.2.3 精度等级对总体布局的影响 12
2.2.4 生产率对总体布局的影响 12
2.2.5 传动形式对总体布局的影响 13
2.2.6 操作方便性对总体布局的影响 13
2.3 组合机床配置形式及结构 14
2.3.1 影响组合机床配置形式及结构方案的因素 14
2.3.2 多轴钻床的工艺方案的制定 15
3、多轴钻床部件设计 17
3.1动力部件分析 17
3.1.1 切削用量的选择 17
3.1.2 主运动电动机的选择 18
3.2 传动系统的设计 20
3.3 主轴箱齿轮齿数的设计 21
3.3.1 钻头工作部分齿轮设计 22
3.3.2 高速档部分齿轮设计及校核 23
3.3.3 中速档部分齿轮设计 30
3.3.4 低速档部分齿轮设计 32
3.4 轴的计算和校核 34
3.4.1主轴箱高速轴II的结构设计 35
3.4.2 主轴箱低速轴III的结构设计 36
3.4.3 钻头工作端Ⅳ轴的结构设计 39
3.5 轴的强度校核 41
3.5.1 Ⅱ轴的强度校核 41
3.5.2 Ⅲ轴的强度校核 42
3.5.3 Ⅳ轴的强度校核 44
3.6轴承 46
3.6.1轴承的选用 46
3.6.2轴承的校核 49
4、轮辐五轴钻床的夹具设计 54
4.1概述 54
4.2 夹具的条件、设计原则及要求 55
4.2.1 工作条件 55
4.2.2 夹紧力作用点选择原则及夹紧过程 55
4.3定位元件的设计 56
4.4加紧元件的设计 57
4.5夹紧机构 57
4.6对零件轮辐扩孔所用夹具的整体设计 58
4.7主轴箱体的设计 59
5、液压控制系统的设计 62
5.1 概论 62
5.2 液压执行元件的负载分析 63
5.3 确定液压缸的参数 64
5.3.1 确定液压缸尺寸 64
5.3.2 液压缸工作循环中各阶段的压力,流量和功率 65
6、支承件的设计 66
6.1 概述 66
6.1.1 支承件的功能 66
6.1.2 支撑件的静刚度和形状选择原则 67
6.1.3 支撑件的动态特性 67
6.2 导轨(立柱)的设计 68
6.2.1 概述 68
6.2.2 导轨的设计 68
6.3 底座的设计 70
7、总结 72
致 谢 74
参考文献 75