关键词:轿车 转向系 齿轮齿条转向器 转向梯形
The title of this topic is the design of the car steering mechanism. Rack and pinion steering gear to the design as the center, first are cars’ steering system overview; Second, Cars steering system performance parameters; third rack gear and a reasonable match to meet the correct steering gear ratio and strength requirements; Fourth, Steering transmission mechanism design; Fifth, the structural design of trapezoidal. Therefore, taking into account the above issues and factors that require study, based on the steering wheel rotary drive transmission shaft of the steering rack and pinion steering, through the universal joint drive shaft rotation gear shift, steering rack and steering gear shaft meshing, thereby encouraging steering rack linear motion to achieve steering. Simple structure to achieve the steering tight, short axial dimension, and the number of parts can increase the advantages in order to achieve the vehicle steering stability and sensitivity. In this article a major design steering rack and pinion steering gear shaft and the check, the main methods and theoretical experience in the use of automotive design parameters and the University of mechanical design school curriculum design and the results meet the strength requirements, safe and reliable.
Keywords: Car Steering system Rack-and pinion steering gear Steering Trapezoidal
三、 毕业设计(论文)所用的主要技
7) 转向轮碰撞到障碍物以后,传给转向盘的反冲力要尽可能小。
8) 转向器和转向传动机构的球头处,有消除因磨损而产生间隙的调整机构。
9) 在车祸中,当转向轴和转向盘由于车架或车身变形而共同后移时,转向系应有能使驾驶员免遭或减轻伤害的防伤装置。
10) 进行运动校核,保证转向轮与转向盘转动方向一致。

摘要 I
Abstract II
前言 1
1 转向系统 1
1.1转向系统概述 1
1.2转向操纵机构 1
1.3转向传动机构 1
1.4转向器与转向器形式 1
1.5动力转向机构 1
1.6齿轮齿条式转向器的优点 1
2 机械型转向器原理 1
2.1齿轮齿条式转向器的分类 1
2.2转向系主要性能参数 1
2.2.1转向器的效率 1
2.2.2传动比的变化特性 1
3 齿轮齿条的设计步骤 1
3.1齿轮齿条的设计 1
3.2 强度校核 1
3.3齿轮齿条设计程序框图 1
4 转向器齿轮轴设计及其校核 1
4.1确定使用材料 1
4.2 轴的结构的设计及校核 1
4.3轴承选择和确定 1
5 转向传动机构设计 1
5.1 转向传动机构原理 1
5.2 转向传动机构的臂、杆与球销 1
5.3 转向横拉杆及其端部 1
6 转向梯形机构优化 1
6.1 转向梯形机构概述 1
6.2 整体式转向梯形结构方案分析 1
6.3 整体式转向梯形机构优化分析 1
6.4 整体式转向梯形机构优化设计 1
总结 1
致 谢 1
参考文献 1