In this paper the design of an excavator mining equipment, industrial, civil and special-purpose backhoe loaders, it can be used in the narrow space of the coal mine cleanup, loading, transportation, etc., can also be used in metallurgy, mining, work load of the excavation of the tunnel construction and other occasions. In this design, the understanding and analysis of existing technology at home and abroad, the use of the excavator bucket given in the mission statement on the rated load load, first calculate the bucket capacity of the bucket, and then choose the standard-capacity bucket, according to the standard bucket, elected to calculate the excavator shovel to take resistance, maximum dump height, minimum uninstall distance some of the design necessary for the amount used. Through the hinge point location on the working bodies of nine model dispatched arm and boom point force, and then calculated the lifter arm cylinder and turn fighting the inner diameter of the fuel tank, rod diameter of the piston rod, the election the standard hydraulic cylinders.
Keywords: bucket; hydraulic cylinder; boom; excavator
(1) 挖机工作装置的总体设计。
(2) 挖掘机的工作装置详细的机构运动学分析。
(3) 工作装置各部分的基本尺寸的计算和验证。
(4) 工作装置主要部件的结构设计。

目 录
前 言 1
1绪论 3
1.1课题背景及目的 3
1.2 挖掘机发展简史 3
1.4国内外研究状况 5
1.5 论文构成及研究内容 6
2 总体方案设计 7
2.1 工作装置构成 7
2.2 动臂及斗杆的结构形式 9
2.3 铲斗的结构选择 9
2.4 液压挖掘机工矿分析 10
2.5 液压挖掘机工作装置设计要求 16
2.6 液压挖掘机工作装置的设计原则 20
3工作装置运动学分析 21
3.1 动臂运动分析 21
3.2 斗杆的运动分析 22
3.3 铲斗的运动分析 23
3.4 特殊工作位置计算: 28
4 反铲装置的设计 31
4.1 挖掘装载机工作装置典型工况分析确定 31
4.2、挖掘装载机工作装置的基本参数的选择 33
4.3、油缸基本参数的选择和计算 40
5 挖掘装置受力计算 45
5.1、挖掘阻力的计算 45
5.1.1铲斗挖掘阻力的计算 45
5.1.2斗杆挖掘阻力计算 46
5.2、 工作液压缸的理论挖掘力 47
5.2.1铲斗挖掘时,铲斗缸的理论挖掘力 47
5.2.2斗杆挖掘时,斗杆油缸的理论挖掘力 47
5.3、 整机理论挖掘力 47
5.3.2铲斗挖掘 52
6 总结 56
致谢 57
参考文献 58