摘 要
主轴装置是单绳缠绕式矿井提升机的主要工作机构,它的作用是: ①缠绕提升机钢丝绳;②承受各种正常载荷(包括固定载荷和工作载荷);③承受各种积极情况所造成的非常载荷。在非常载荷作用下,主轴装置部分不应有残余变形。单绳缠绕式矿井提升机的主轴装置是其核心部件,要求我们应认真设计,精心制造,这对于确保矿井提升机安全可靠运行,预防和杜绝故障及事故的发生,也具有十分重要的意义。
What the principle of the single rope twines mine pit elevator is that: One end of the steel wire rope is fixed to Winding by the steel wire rope nip, another end after twined hangs and promotes the vessel by derrick wheel. In this way, we make use of the differences of the revolve way to twine or relax the steel wire rope so that to complete the vessel to step up or drop down.
Main axle is the core part of the mine elevator. Its functions are: ① the steel wire rope of twines the type mine pit elevator ; ② endure a kind of normal load( including fixed load and work load ); ③ endure the kinds of unusual load which is result from positive situation. Under the unusual load function, the part of the main axle equipment should not remain remaining distortion. It required us to be careful designing and manufacture when designing and manufacturing. Only in this way, we can prevent the occurrence of failures or accidents .Obviously, the possesses is very significance.
This design is on the basis of the data which are chosen by advance and actually, take the elevator supplementary equipment as the core, after the analysis and computation in science, has designed and chosen a set of the transmission system of the mine pits elevators, and used the electrical-light sensor as the equipment of the indicating system which to measure the amount of the depth of the tank. It enforced the change from the mechanically control to the numerical control, at the same time, has laid the foundation for improve the control system of the elevator.
KEY WORDS: elevator, main axle, brake, electrical-light measurement velocity sensor

目 录
1 前 言 1
1.1 提升机的用途和发展概况 1
1.2 提升机的结构和用途 2
2 课题设计简介 5
2.1 设计课题 5
2.2 设计步骤 5
2.3 设计思路 5
3 JK—3提升机 (E系列)主轴装置的原始资料 6
3.1 本产品的型号、名称 6
3.2 本产品的性能指标和设计参数 6
4 JK—3提升机(E系列)的选择和设计 7
4.1 JK—3矿井提升机的工作原理和主要结构 7
4.1.1 主轴 7
4.1.2 卷筒 7
4.1.3 主轴承 8
4.1.4 盘形制动器装置 9
4.1.5 深度指示系统 9
4.1.6 减速器 10
4.1.7 联轴器 10
4.2 主轴装置的设计依据 11
4.2.1 钢丝绳 11
4.2.2 卷筒宽度 11
4.2.3 钢丝绳最大静张力 11
4.2.4 钢丝绳最大静张力差△F 12
4.2.5 最大提升速度Vmax 12
4.2.6 电动机功率PN 12
4.3 主轴的选择 13
4.4 主轴的设计 13
5 主要通用部件的选型计算 15
5.1 盘形制动器 15
5.2 减速器 15
5.3 齿轮联轴器 16
5.4 弹性棒销联轴器 16
6 主轴的校核 17
6.1 主轴强度校核 17
6.1.1 工况一:提升开始, 。 18
6.1.2 工况二:提升终了, , 。 21
6.2 主轴挠度校核 26
6.2.1 工况一:提升开始 27
6.2.2 工况二:提升终了 27
7 轴承寿命计算 29
7.1 左轴承 29
7.2 右轴承 30
8 螺栓联接的计算和校核 31
8.1 螺栓选用型号 31
8.2 高强度螺栓平面摩擦联接校核 31
8.3 受扭转力矩铰制孔螺栓强度计算 31
9 机器的安装调试和维护 33
9.1 机器的安装要求 33
9.1.1 主轴装置 33
9.1.2 卷筒 34
9.1.3 盘形制动器 34
9.1.4 电动机 34
9.1.5 减速器 35
9.2 机器的调整 35
9.2.1 产品空运转试验要求 35
9.2.2 机器的负荷试车 36
9.2.3 机器的加载试车 36
9.3 机器的维护和保养 37
9.3.1 机器的维护和安全使用 37
9.3.4 制动器的保养 37
9.4 机器故障的排除 38
结 论 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42
附录① 单绳缠绕式提升机设计规范(摘录) 44
附录② 光电测速传感器 52