摘要:本次课题设计的题目是“刮板输送机的设计”。采用二维CAD软件—Auto CAD 进行结构设计。
scraper conveyor design
Abstract:The subject of design is entitled "scraper conveyor design." A two-dimensional CAD Software-Auto CAD for structural design.
The specific content of the design include: scraper conveyor drive design; the main transmission mechanism design; major zero, components design; achieve the main parts of the process design; design a major piece of process equipment; write open title report; write a graduation design specification; Translate foreign language materials.
For graduating students, this is the biggest achievement of the design: the integrated use of mechanical design, mechanical drawing, machine-building foundation, metal material and heat treatment, tolerances and technical measurement, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanical principles, basic computer applications as well as technology, fixture, such as basic theory, engineering and production of practical knowledge. Grasp the mechanical design of the general procedures, methods, design law, technical measures, and combining the production of internship and training to analyze and solve practical problems in general engineering capabilities, with the mechanical transmission device, a simple mechanical design and manufacturing capabilities.
Keywords: scraper conveyor transmission design manufacturing

第一章 绪论 2
1.1总体方案的确定 2
第二章 刮板输送机的基本概述 5
2.1刮板输送机的整体构造及传动原理 5
2.2国产刮板输送机技术特征 9
第三章 刮板输送机的性能计算 14
3.1 输送量的计算 14
3.2 刮板输送机输送能力的计算 15
3.3 刮板输送机的阻力计算 16
3.4 刮板输送机功率计算 17
3.5 刮板链张力的计算 18
3.6 链轮的几何尺寸计算 20
3.7 其他一些部件的选取 21
第四章 刮板输送机的动力学分析 24
4.1 刮板输送机的物理模型 24
4.2 刮板输送机的数学模型 25
4.3 刮板输送机的动力学模型 30
小 结 37
参考文献 39
致 谢 40