摘 要:本论文主要是对螺旋榨油机的总体结构设计。其中包括压榨部分,传动部分,机架部分,出油装置及进料等的结构设计,对输入端电动机功率/转速的选择,带及带轮的选择及设计,变速箱中齿轮的设计,轴的设计,轴承;键;联轴器的选择及相关的计算;校核以及榨螺榨笼的设计等。其中榨螺和榨笼是榨油机的主要工作部件。榨螺部分主要有榨螺轴和榨螺(共3节),调饼头,锁紧螺母和调节螺栓等组成。榨螺的设计应满足榨螺间的装配要求,榨螺间装配必须严密,用锁紧螺母将其夹紧,防止油饼渗入榨螺孔内,影响榨螺的顺利拆卸。榨笼的榨膛由两部分组成,前段由榨条组成,后段落由榨圈组成。变速箱的设计应注意互相间的配合关系,传动比及扭矩是否满足工作条件等。本机适用于榨取菜籽;花生仁;芝麻;棉籽仁;大豆;椰子;茶籽;葵花籽等植物油脂。(根据用户需要,可更换榨螺,用于榨取米糠等含油的油料。)
Design of Small Screw Oil Mill
Abstract:This thesis is the design of the overall structure of screw press. Including press parts, transmission parts, chassis parts, oil installations and the structural design of feed and so on. Including the input of the motor power / speed option. Belt and pulleys of the selection and design. Transmission in gear design, shaft design, bearings, keys, options and related coupling calculation, check. Pressing screw pressing cage design. Pressing of which is the oil press screw and pressing cage main working parts. Pressing screw part of the main screw pressing and pressing bolt (of three). Transfer cake first. Lock nut and adjustment bolts etc.. Pressing bolts should be designed to meet the pressing bolt assembly between the requirements. Squeezed between the assembly must be tight spiral. With a lock nut to clamp. Pressing screw to prevent infiltration of oil cake, the impact of the successful demolition of pressing bolts. Squeeze cage squeeze chamber composed of two parts. Formed by the preceding article pressing, pressing circle formed by the following paragraph. Transmission should be designed with attention to mutual relations between the transmission ratio and torque meets the working conditions.
This machine is suitable for the extraction of rapeseed, peanut, sesame, cotton seeds, soybean, coconut, tea seeds, sunflower seeds and other plant oils. (According to user needs, pressing worms can be replaced, for the extraction of rice bran oil and other oil-bearing.)
Keywords:oil press; spline shaft; coupling; pressing cage; transmission

目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 选题的背景、目的及意义 1
1.2 螺旋榨油机的工作原理 1
1.3 榨油的工艺流程 1
1.4 设计榨油机的程序 1
2 螺旋榨油机的设计计算 3
2.1 电动机的选取 3
2.2 螺旋榨油机主要参数的确定 3
2.3 榨螺轴的设计计算 4
2.4 Ⅰ轴和Ⅱ轴啮合齿轮的计算 6
2.5 轴的计算校核 10
2.6 带传动的设计计算 12
2.7 键的选择设计 14
2.8 轴承的设计 15
3 螺旋榨油机的结构设计 16
3.1 榨螺轴的设计 16
3.2 榨笼的构造 16
3.3 齿轮箱的构造及入料器的构造 16
3.4 带轮的结构设计 16
3.5 调节装置的设计 17
3.6 键的选择 17
3.7 滚动轴承的选择 18
3.8 榨螺轴与齿轮轴的联接设计 19
4 结束语 19
参考文献 20