Abstract:Outdoor advertising is a typical urban forms of advertising, with the social and economic development, outdoor advertising is not only the development of the advertising industry as a means of mass media, but the layout of modern urban environment is an important component. The design for the three billboards in the transmission system, three billboards side by side by a group composed of three prism, triangular prism can be made of aluminum, and can rotate around its central axis, the three ad screens were set up in the restructuring of The three prism surface to take advantage of the three prism can be formed three pictures side, turn the prism to change advertising display.
This article describes three billboards drive solution that can achieve a variety of flip effects, to achieve non-single flip effects, and complete the three billboards drive the structural parameters in the design of key components, including the design of transmission components, the axis design and verification, motor selection. The use of CAD software to complete the structure of the three billboards assembly drawing and related parts diagram, and the use of Pro / e software, three billboards on the three-dimensional drive system design.
Key words: Three sides、Transmission、Billboard、Design

目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 简介 1
1.2 国内外三面翻广告牌发展趋势 1
2 总体方案的论证 3
3.1 方案一 齿轮传动 4
3.2 方案二 带传动 5
3.3 方案三 链传动 6
4 选用电动机 6
5 机械传动装置的总体设计与计算 7
6 机械传动件的设计计算 9
6.1 齿轮传动的设计与计算 9
6.1.1齿轮的设计计算 9
6.2 主要失效形式 14
7 间隙机构方案的选择 17
8 不完全齿轮效果造型 18
9 轴的设计计算 20
10 轴承的选择和润滑 23
10.1轴承的选择 23
10.2轴承的润滑 24
11 轴承盖的设计计算 25
12结论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28