摘 要
关键词 : 麻花钻 ;振动钻削 ;振动装置 ;低频振动
Hole processing is the most commonly used metal cutting machining processing technology. According to statistics, hole machining of metal removal accounted for about one-third of the total machining metal removal of the, drill production accounted for about 60% of the total tool production. Process methods now used for machining small holes while more, but the strongest is still the most widely used, the production practicality is uses the twist drill drilling processing. As the hole of the requirement of increasing the quality and efficiency, the traditional drilling technology has shown great limitations, in recent years the rapid development of the vibration drilling technology is increasingly shows its unique advantages and broad application prospects.Vibration drilling is mainly introduced in this paper, the vibration drilling is a branch of vibration cutting, the difference between it and common drilling through vibration device in the process of drilling bit and generate controllable relative movement between parts. Vibration mode mainly has three kinds, namely axial vibration, torsional vibration, and vibration compound.
This article tells the story of how the matching processing parameters to achieve precision deep hole machining, and torsional vibration generator is designed, the comprehensive analysis of the vibration drilling technology effect. Low frequency vibration cutting technology has been applied to the machining (including drilling, expanding, hinge, lock, tapping, etc.) and cylindrical turning processing, etc, to solve practical production in cutting machining, such as chip removal, improve processing quality, prolong tool life and other issues, theory also received many development.
Keywords: Twist drill ;Vibration drilling;Vibration device;Low frequency vibration
① 熟悉低频振动深孔钻削的发展历程,特别是近十几年来提出的直径小于0.5mm的微小孔加工;
② 熟悉低频振动深孔钻削的工艺效果;
③ 熟练掌握低频振动深孔钻削的三种振动方式:轴向振动(振动方向与钻头轴线方向相同)、扭转振动(振动方向与钻头旋转方向相同)和复合振动(轴向振动与扭转振动迭加);
④ 掌握了解针对不同的材料所需要的加工参数;
⑤ 能够熟练使用振动钻削的自动控制系统,实现振动钻削的自动化和智能化。

目 录
摘 要 IV
Abstract V
目 录 VI
1 绪论 1
1.1 振动钻削技术的发展历史 1
1.2 振动钻削的工艺效果 2
1.3 振动钻削的应用前景及前沿课题 4
2 振动钻削的原理 7
2.1 振动钻削的机理 7
2.2 振动钻削系统的稳定性与振幅损失 8
2.2.1 振动钻削时的切削力 9
2.2.2 振动钻削系统的稳定性 10
2.2.3 产生横向摆振与钻杆弯曲振动的原因 12
2.2.4 振幅损失 13
3 深孔加工的高效解决方案 14
3.1 深孔加工 14
4 装置设计 16
4.1 装置总体方案 16
4.2 电机的选择 18
4.3 带传动设计 20
4.3.1 确定计算功率Pca 20
4.3.2 选择带型 20
4.3.3 确定带轮的基准直径 20
4.3.4 确定中心距a和带的基准长度Ld 21
4.3.5 验算主动轮上的包角α1 21
4.3.6 确定带的根数Z 21
4.3.7 确定带的预紧力F0 22
4.3.8 计算带传动作用在轴上的力(简称压轴力)Fp 22
4.3.9 V带轮设计 22
4.3.10 V带传动的张紧装置 23
4.4 偏心轴及其附件设计. 24
4.4.1 轴承的选用 26
4.4.2 轴承底座 27
4.4.3 端盖和透盖 28
4.4.4 偏心销钉 29
4.5 主轴及其附件设计 29
4.5.1 主轴 29
4.5.2 弹性夹头 30
4.5.3 轴承的选用 31
4.5.4 轴承座 32
4.5.5 夹紧螺母 32
4.5.6 轴承盖 33
4.5.7 摆杆 33
4.6 底板设计 33
5 致谢 35
参考文献 36