摘 要
关键词:轴承 ;给料;上料;分拣;外观造型
The bearings are an important parts of modern machinery and equipment , they are widely used in industry, agriculture, transportation, defense, aerospace, household appliances, office machinery and high-tech fields, closely related to the people's livelihood . In order to ensure the quality of the bearings must be rigorous testing .The existing bearing inspection device for the products of several major domestic Bearing Research Institute , with a high precision mechanism is simple , easy to operate , but the existing bearing inspection device generally only a single bearing detection , detection efficiency is low .This certainly can not meet the bearing manufacturers bearing product testing requirements , the domestic bearing factory detection sampling , this approach also inevitably left a security risk to the quality of the bearing . Therefore, in order to meet the testing requirements of the bearing , the development of a high detection efficiency , bearing inspection device for the basic realization of automation is becoming more and more important .
Therefore, bearing inspection device design is advanced , will directly affect the size of the bearing product quality , accuracy , reliability , efficiency and labor intensity . Therefore , the focus of this paper is the design of the bearing inspection device , including feeding device feeding thrust bearing sorter , and appearance of the equipment design . Designed to operate as follows :
1)development home and abroad bearing testing equipment , bearings currently in use by the domestic and foreign institutional characteristics of the detection device , carried out a detailed analysis of its design structure ;
2)for the paper requirements and automation structure design ideas , design detection device , a feeding mechanism , the thrust on the feeding mechanism, sorting institutions .
3)the form of vibration source device operating environment analysis , specific vibration isolation technology based on the the equipment structural characteristics of research equipment , reduce equipment foundation vibration , ensure the detection accuracy of the equipment , and gives the device - specific use of environmental requirements .
Key words: bearings ; feeding ; feeding ; sorting ; appearance
(1)轴承检测国家标准,这是轴承检测的主要依据。轴承检验要求的国家标准有三: GB3071 - 84 “滚动轴承公差”, GB3072 -84“滚动轴承公差测量方法” , GB3073 -84“滚动轴承通用技术要求”等。
(2)颁布的标准,具体标准和统一的企业标准。如果JB/CQ13-87 “球轴承及零件补充技术要求” , JB/CQ14-88 “滚子轴承及零件补充技术要求”等。

目 录
摘 要 III
1绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的意义 1
1.2 国内外研究状况 1
1.2.1 轴承检测技术 1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 3
1.3.1 上料装置的要求 3
1.3.2 推力机构的要求 3
1.3.3 分拣机构的要求 3
1.3.4 外观造型设计的要求 3
1.4 设计内容 4
1.5课题的意义 4
2 轴承检测装置外观设计的总体方案设计 5
2.1轴承检测装置外观设计的工作原理 5
2.2 轴承检测装置的外观设计的总体方案设计 8
2.2.1 轴承检测装置外观设计的总体功能划分 8
2.2.2检测装置外观设计各功能分析 8
2.2.3动作方案及结构布局设计 12
2.3轴承检测装置的外观造型设计 13
2.3.1 造型设计符合人的情感 13
2.3.2 外型与结构相结合 13
2.3.3造型设计的现状与发展 13
2.3.4 方案分析比较 14
2.4本章小结 16
3 轴承检测装置外观设计的关键机构的详细设计 17
3.1 轴承给料、隔离机构的设计 17
3.1.1 给料隔离机构的方案确定 17
3.1.2 轴承检测外观的给料设计 18
3.1.3 轴承检测外观的隔离设计 21
3.1.4 轴承检测外观的入料、出料的设计 22
3.2轴承分拣机构的设计 23
3.2.1分拣方案设计 23
3.2.2 方案分析比较 24
3.3 支撑架的设计 25
3.4 气路系统设计 26
3.4.1 气缸的选用 27
3.4.2 气路原理设计 29
3.5 本章小结 29
4 轴承检测装置的减振结构及环境要求 30
4.1 轴承检测装置隔振减振工艺的研究 30
4.1.1 振源形式及对振源的分析 30
4.1.2 减振元件的选用 31
4.2本章小结 32
5 结束语 33
6 致 谢 34
7 参考文献 35
8附录 37