摘 要
This paper is based on the reconstruction project requirements of the inner and outer circle line of bearings in Wuxi dior machinery factory. In order to achieve the requirements that the horizontal section automatically forwarding and identifying locations, this article designs a set of bearing internal and external ring special machine transverse feeding mechanism. It’s a special machine tool be used to replace workers manual feed and improve the company's production efficiency.
According to the characteristics of the bearing inner and outer circle ,the article designs its traverse mechanism reasonable.This mechanism mainly achieve the cutting tool on the the panel in cutting of bearing transverse feed motion on the inside and outside the circle .The movement is driven by damping hydraulic cylinder, controlled by PLC, recognized by the sensing element identification to confirm the position of the panel. The content of the article mainly includes damping hydraulic cylinder driving system designing, the determination of lathe bed clamp size, the design of the ball screw, a panel designing, etc. After determining the specific size of the infeed mechanism, the article applies UG software to model a major part of the traverse mechanism and assembly its overall structure virtually. Finally, the design of the machine infeed organization is optimized, so that it can really be used to put into the day-to-day production operations and make contribute to the production line of bearing plant effectively.
Keywords: feeding mechanism ; bearing processing; virtual assembly; motion simulation
(1) 分析原始资料,查阅相关资料,分析国内外轴承机床发展状况。
(2) 对轴承内外圈专用机床横向机构总体方案设计。
(3) 阻尼液压缸和滚珠丝杠的设计与计算。
(4) 横向机构各部分的设计与计算。
(5) 基于UG的横向进给机构三维建模及运动仿真。

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪 论 1
1.1 本课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外轴承加工机床发展状况 1
1.3 本课题的主要内容 2
2 横向机构设计 3
2.1 横向机构组成 3
2.2 横向机构的设计方案 3
2.2.1 机床的主要参数及床身钳的初始设计 3
2.2.2 阻尼液压缸的设计与计算 3
2.2.3 滚珠丝杠的设计 9
2.2.4 床身钳安装阻尼缸部分的尺寸及台面板尺寸的设计 14
3 基于UG的横向机构三维建模与虚拟装配 15
3.1 UG软件的简介 15
3.2 主要零部件的三维建模 16
3.3 阻尼液压缸的虚拟装配 19
3.3.1 基于UG的高级装配功能 19
3.3.2 阻尼液压缸的虚拟装配 21
3.4 本章小结 22
4 基于UG的运动仿真 23
4.1 运动仿真的工作界面 23
4.2 横向机构的运动仿真 23
4.2.1 运动界面的的打开 23
4.2.2 连杆特性的建立 24
4.2.3 运动副特性的建立 25
4.2.4 施加运动 26
4.2.5 分析验证 28
4.3 本章小结 29
5 结论与展望 30
5.1 结论 30
5.2 不足之处及展望 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
附 录 33