摘 要
Four-wheel drive off-road car transmission scheme and the transmission process is one of the focuses of this design, off-road vehicle speed and we made three before the reducer designs, we made three before the deceleration, the gear and shaft is linked by key, and this gear and shaft design not only key to connect, and free sets, slow play an important role of synchronization.
The type of synchronizer more, in many synchronizer for four-wheel drive off-road vehicle transmission is locking pins synchronizer. Lock pin type synchronizer works by one of the difficulties, four-wheel drive off-road vehicle control system design is the design of this third difficulty, he was involved in manipulating the process of self-locking hanging file, hanging file interlock and reverse lock, this is an important part of the operating system
Gearbox is one of the important parts of the vehicle, transmission is the automobile power system importance only to the components of an engine, directly relates to the control pleasure and ride comfort, its fuel consumption, exhaust emissions, driving dynamics and comfort will have a significant impact.
Keywords: Transmission; synchronizer; gear
额定功率:76kW(3800r/min) ; 最大扭矩:225N•m(2000r/min)
前轴距:2230mm; 轮距:1300mm ;后轮距:1300mm ; 总质量:1.5t;
载重量:2.1t ;Vmin:5km/h ; Vmax:140km/h; 最大爬坡度:60%;

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
2 变速器总体设计 3
2.1 全时四驱与分时四驱 3
2.2 变速器选型 4
2.3 变速器几轴式选用 7
2.3.1三轴五当变速器传动简图 8
2.3.2 两轴五当变速器传动简图 8
2.4 变速器零部件的结构分析与型式选择 10
2.4.1 齿轮式 10
2.4.2 轴的机构分析 11
2.4.2 轴承形式 11
3 基本参数的确定 12
3.1变速器的档位数和传动比 12
3.1.1 确定变速器的档数 12
3.1.2定一档传动比 的取值 12
3.2 中心距 14
3.3 齿轮参数 14
3.3.1 齿轮模数 15
3.3.2 齿形、压力角与螺旋角 15
3.3.3 齿宽 15
3.3.4 齿顶高系数 15
3.3.5 齿轮变位 15
3.4 各档齿数的分配 16
3.4.1 确定一档齿轮的齿数 17
3.4.2 修正中心距 17
3.4.3 确定各档齿轮的齿数 17
4 齿轮强度的校核 20
4.1 齿轮的损坏形式 20
4.2 齿轮的强度校核 20
4.2.1 接触强度校核 20
4.2.2 弯曲强度校核 22
5 同步器的选择 25
5.1 同步器的构造及工作原理 25
5.2 同步器的结构类型 25
5.2.1 锁环式同步器 25
5.2.2 锁销式同步器 26
5.2.3 多锥式同步器与多片式同步器 26
5.2.4 惯性增力式同步器 26
5.3 锁销式同步器的选择 27
5.4 锁销式同步器同步环的设计计算 28
5.4.1 同步环锥面角的确定 28
5.4.2 同步环锥面螺纹和油槽的设计 28
5.4.3 同步环锥面直径和宽度的确定 28
5.4.4 同步环的材料 28
5.5 锁销式同步器锁销的设计计算 28
5.5.1 同步器锁止角的确定 28
5.5.2 同步器锁销差的确定 28
5.6 锁销式同步器齿套的设计计算 28
5.6.1 齿套锁销孔和定位销孔的设计 28
5.6.2齿套接合齿的设计 28
5.7同步器零件之间间隙的确定 28
6 操纵机构的设计 30
7 结论与展望 34
7.1结论 34
7.2不足之处及未来展望 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录 37