In this paper, the design scheme of ZQ and ZQA universal reducer is compared and analyzed, and the design scheme and structure of DZQ universal reducer are determined. The basic parameters of point-line meshing gear are calculated by closed graph. According to the principle of equal strength DZQ250-8,9,10,11.2 series transmission ratiosare determined. According to the basic parameters of the point-line meshing gear, the geometrical dimensions of each gear are calculated and the tooth bending fatigue strength, tooth contact fatigue strength and tooth load capacity are calculated. The three - dimensional simulation model of point - line meshing gear was established by Soliworks software. The static bending stress analysis was carried out with Ansys software and compared with the manual calculation results. Shaft force and moment diagram analysis, complete the shaft structure design and strength check. According to the national standard selection of the shaft bearings, bearing life calculation. Check the manual to select the key and complete the key strength calculation.
Key Words:point-line meshing gear;universal reducer;series design;DZQ reducer

第1章绪论 1
1.1 DZQ通用减速机系列设计的意义 1
1.2 DZQ通用减速机的国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国内研究现状 1
1.2.2 国外研究现状 2
1.3 设计的主要内容 2
第2章 DZQ减速机系列结构布置及传动比分配 2
2.1 DZQ通用减速机系列结构布置方案 2
2.2 DZQ通用减速机系列的传动比分配 2
第3章点线啮合齿轮的参数计算 4
第4章点线啮合齿轮强度计算 18
4.1 点线啮合齿轮齿顶载荷计算 18
4.2 点线啮合齿轮齿面接触疲劳强度计算 19
4.3 点线啮合齿轮齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算 23
4.4点线啮合齿轮短时过载强度的计算 26
4.4.1 塑性变形计算 26
4.4.2 脆性折断计算 28
第5章点线啮合齿轮三维建模和有限元分析 30
5.1 点线啮合齿轮齿廓曲线方程和坐标 30
5.2 点线啮合齿轮三维精确建模 31
5.3 点线啮合齿轮齿根弯曲应力的有限元分析 32
第6章轴的设计计算 34
6.1 高速轴的结构设计及强度校核 34
6.2 中间轴的结构设计及强度校核 37
6.3 低速轴的结构设计及强度校核 40
6.4 轴承的寿命计算 43
6.5 键的选用及强度计算 45
第7 章经济性与环境影响分析 47
7.1 经济性分析 47
7.2 环境影响分析 47
参考文献 48
致谢 49