The trend of China’s economic development must be to develop a low-carbon economy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It is imperative to focus on building a low-carbon economy with low consumption, low emissions, and energy conservation. Under the current situation of more than one billion people in China, the consumption of edible oil is huge, so oil extraction is a big energy consumer, and the waste generated by oil extraction requires a lot of processing. Therefore, to create a "low-carbon economy", the design of the oil residue briquetting machine is incumbent.
The design of this paper is the design of the oil residue briquetting machine. The product pressed by the oil residue press is used for feed or fertilizer. After practice and continuous improvement, the oil residue briquetting machine has been improved. The oil dregs briquetting machine has the advantages of high automation, high output, low price, low power consumption, simple operation, and no environmental pollution. Therefore, the residue press can be widely used to suppress the residue left after pressing various oils.
This article through the understanding of domestic and foreign various types of block making machine, using the simplified mechanics model for calculating the main technical parameters of diesel block making machine, through the analysis of the power of machine work required to determine the choice of motor, flat die and roller, roller compaction device design, and the drive system of diesel block making machine to carry on the design, the determination of the size, length, structure, main shaft and strength check, etc., used to compress diesel diesel block making machine.
Keywords: flat die compression molding technology, low carbon economy, briquetting machine

目 录
摘要 1
绪论 1
1 选题的背景意义 1
2 油渣压块机的概述 1
2.1 油渣压块机的工作原理 2
2.2 油渣压块机的工作性能 2
3 油渣压块机分类及性能比较 2
4 压块机的发展趋势 5
1 油渣压块机设计方案及参数的确定 6
1.1 压块机机身方案的确定 6
1.2 压块机整体传动方案的选择 6
2 油渣压块机动力参数及传动比的确定 7
2.1 电动机的选择 7
2.2 传动比的计算及分配 9
2.2.1 传动比的计算 9
2.2.2 传动比的分配 10
3 油渣压块机主要零件的设计及校核 11
3.1 V带的设计及校核 11
3.2 锥齿轮减速传动的设计及校核 14
3.3 主轴的设计及校核 16
3.3.1 主轴的材料的选择 17
3.3.2 主轴结构的设计 17
3.3.3 轴各轴段结构的确定 17
3.3.4 轴的强度校核 19
3.4 油渣压块机平模的设计 20
3.5 油渣压块机压辊的设计 21
4 结论 23
参考文献 25
附录1:外文翻译 26
附录2:外文原文 30