关键词: 自动变速器;无级变速自行车;无级变速器;调速
The CVT transmission is refers to in certain speed regulating device and the regulating mechanism of control, when entering a certain input shaft, output shaft speed can in certain transmission ratio range of rapid and continuous change of a transmission mode. I based on the analysis of the chain CVT, belt CVT, ball cone CVT, ball separation of CVT and other mechanical CVT transmission and CVT bikes, the transmission principle and party each kind of transmission type were compared, the final selection with the simple structure, parameters of ball outer cone CVT mounted on a bicycle, the CVT is mainly composed of a main driven bevel wheel, input shaft, output shaft, and the regulating mechanism, pressure plate, steel ball, cover and other parts, the working principle of CVT for input shaft rotation and by with the pressure plate device drives the 8 ball movement, at the same time, the use of friction ball movement in the process of driving the output shaft to rotate through the speed regulating mechanism can make the ball during the swing within a certain angle, thus changing the steel ball and the main driven bevel wheel radius ratio, thus changing the transmission ratio, the transmission can be compared to the range of arbitrary transform. After the final design and calculation, the CVT can speed ratio range of 0.75--1.22 in drive. Research shows that: stepless speed variator for bicycle favorable solves the shortcomings of traditional variable speed bicycle, greatly improved the performance of the bicycle, convenience to the consumers to use.
Key words: automatic transmission; CVT bike; CVT; speed control

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 - 3 -
1.1 机械式无级变速器的定义及其应用 - 3 -
1.2 机械式无级变速器的发展概况 - 4 -
1.3 机械式无级变速自行车研究现状 - 5 -
1.4机械式无级变速器研究的目的和意义 - 7 -
2 自行车无级变速器总体方案的确立 - 8 -
2.1 链式无级变速器的分析 - 8 -
2.2 钢球外锥式无级变速器的分析 - 9 -
2.3 两方案的比较与选择 - 10 -
3 钢球外锥式无级变速器部分零件的设计与计算 - 10 -
3.1 调速机构的设计与计算 - 11 -
3.2 钢球与主﹑从动锥轮的设计与计算 - 12 -
3.3 输入﹑输出轴上轴承的选择与计算 - 13 -
3.4 调速齿轮上变速曲线槽的设计与计算 - 15 -
3.5 输入﹑输出轴上端盖的设计与计算 - 16 -
3.6 输入轴、输出轴的设计与校核 - 17 -
3.7 加压盘的设计与计算 - 24 -
3.9 自行车无级变速器的安装 - 25 -
4 自行车变速器的调整与使用方法 - 26 -
4.1 自行车变速器的调整 - 26 -
4.2.自行车变速器的使用方法 - 26 -
5 结论 - 28 -
参考文献 - 29 -
致谢 - 30 -