关键词: 桥式起重机; 运行机构; 起升机构; 设计
With the progress of the development of society and the times, competition between each industry more strongly, so manufacturers are continually improving and updating production techniques to improve the productivity of equipment. Cranes in the increasingly important role in the production, and production requirements are increasingly high requirements for crane, crane's performance is also more comprehensive. Today's automated production is inseparable from the crane.
The design is mainly for bridge crane cart mechanism and institutional design of hoisting mechanism, but also motor, reducer, drum, calculated selection of wire rope, hook and after a series of calculations, crane load capacity can be achieved 50-10T And car running gear and hoisting mechanism is simple in structure, easy, easy maintenance.
Keywords: Bridge cranes; running institutions; lifting mechanisms design

摘要 I
1引言 - 1 -
1.1起重机概述 - 1 -
1.2起重机的分类 - 1 -
1.3我国起重机的发展状况 - 1 -
2桥式起重机整体设计方案 - 2 -
2.1小车运行机构设计 - 2 -
2.2起升机构设计 - 2 -
2.3安全装置 - 2 -
2.3.1栏杆和排障板 - 2 -
2.3.2限位开关 - 2 -
2.3.3挡铁和缓冲器 - 2 -
3运行机构设计 - 4 -
3.1确定小车运行机构形式 - 4 -
3.2确定小车运行机构的驱动装置 - 4 -
3.3电动机选择 - 5 -
3.3.1电动机的静功率 - 5 -
3.3.2电动机初选 - 5 -
3.3.3电动机过载校验 - 5 -
3.3.4选择合适的电动机型号 - 6 -
3.4减速器的设计 - 6 -
3.4.1计算传动装置的传动参数 - 6 -
3.4.2 齿轮的设计 - 7 -
3.4.3几何尺寸计算和齿轮结构设计 - 11 -
3.4.4低速轴设计 - 12 -
3.5制动器选择 - 15 -
4起升机构的设计 - 17 -
4.1 起升机构的驱动形式 - 17 -
4.2 起升机构设计计算 - 17 -
4.2.1钢丝绳的选择 - 17 -
4.2.2 滑轮及滑轮组的选择 - 18 -
4.3电动机的选择 - 19 -
4.4减速器的设计计算 - 19 -
4.4.1 减速器传动比的计算 - 19 -
4.4.2 计算传动装置的传动参数 - 20 -
4.4.3齿轮设计 - 21 -
4.4.4几何尺寸计算和齿轮结构设计 - 25 -
4.4.5轴的结构设计 - 26 -
4.4.6轴的强度校核 - 27 -
4.5卷筒的设计 - 29 -
4.5.1概述 - 29 -
4.5.2卷筒的设计计算 - 29 -
4.6吊钩的选用 - 30 -
5结束语 - 31 -
参考文献 - 32 -
致谢 - 33 -