来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK710716 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK710716
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【关键词】 电动葫芦;封闭式行星齿轮减速器;设计;校核
The design of electric hoist closed planetary gear reducer
[Abstract] As one kind of light small lifting equipment, the steel wire electric hoist is widely used in factories, warehouses, ports, railway stations and other fields and departments. It is the col1cction electric motor, and wire rope reel machine slowdown (or link chain) for the integration of small hoisting equipment, most also carry trolleys walk with bridge or doors Cranes form a complete lifting appliances. However the development of the electric hoist in our country is not optimistic. In our country, there is not only single kind of the decelerator 's structure of the electric hoist, moreover the product volume and the quality quite are big, the performance is poof. Compared to similar foreign products, there is a big gap. To this end, we carried out a scheme of the Reducer structure design.
This design has first analyzed the domestic and foreign electric hoist's development condition, compared with its difference. Second, we demonstrate the scheme. we choose the planetary gear transmission in a variety of gear transmission, and ultimately we determine to use enclosed planetary gear reducer in the electric hoist . Again, we discuss the design. Through gear ratio,we calculate the number of teeth of planetary gear at all levels. Through the tooth root bending strength and intensity of tooth contact, to design the module of planetary gear at all levels.Then we check it through the tooth root bending strength and intensity of tooth contact. We calculate the efficiency of the planetary gear transmission and check the input shaft. This planetary gear reducer is compact, small size, so as to achieve a reduced size and quality of electric hoist purposes.
[Key words] Electric hoist; Enclosed planetary Gear reducer; Design; Check
行星排级数: 3
输出力矩: Tmax=8000N.M;
起升速度: V≤5m/min;
自重限制: W≤300KG;
转筒直径: D=450-600mm
行星排级数: 3
初步选取转筒直径为 : D=500mm
所以最大起升重量: Mmax=2*Tmax/(D*G)=2*8000/(0.5*10)=3.2t

目 录
毕业设计任务书 I
开题报告 II
指导教师审查意见 III
评阅教师评语 IV
答辩记录及成绩评定 V
中文摘要 VI
外文摘要 VII
前言 1
1 选题背景 2
1.1 研究目的和意义 2
1.2 国内外电动葫芦发展现状及发展趋势 2
2 总体方案设计 6
2.1 设计要求 6
2.2 拟定方案 6
2.3 设计方案的确定 6
3 差动行星减速器结构特征和工作原理 8
3.1 差动行星减速器结构特征 8
3.2 差动行星减速器工作原理 8
4 总体传动比的设计 10
4.1 电机的选择 10
4.2 传动比的选择 11
5 减速器齿轮的设计 12
5.1 各级行星排配齿的设计 12
5.2 齿轮扭矩的计算 13
5.3 齿轮主要参数的初步计算 13
5.4 齿轮几何尺寸的计算 16
5.5 齿轮装配条件的验算 17
6 齿轮强度验算 19
6.1 齿根弯曲应力强度校核 19
6.2 齿面接触强度校核 25
6.3 效率的计算 30
6.4 输入轴的强度校核 31
7 结果分析 32
7.1 计算结果 32
7.2 结果分析 32
8 有限元分析 34
8.1 有限元简介 34
8.2 二级行星架的有限元分析过程 34
8.3 二级行星架有限元分析结果总结 34
8.4 有限元分析命令流 36
9 总 结 41
参考文献 42
致 谢 43