摘 要:随着畜牧业的发展,草饲料加工机械也得到了大力发展,铡草机是应用较广泛的草饲料加工机具之一,但该机具仍存在着切割过程中功率消耗过大的问题,切碎器的设计对于铡草机切割功耗起着决定性作用,而动刀片又是切碎器的主要工作部件。因此,设计出性能优良的切碎器显得尤为重要。本文分析了各个时代盘刀式铡草机的研究和发展现状,设计出一种新型盘刀式铡草机,本机采用电动机提供动力,通过带轮传动机构,将运动和动力传送到动刀架主轴,然后通过齿轮传动机构,将所需的运动和动力传送至上下喂入辊,从而实现秸秆铡切。整个机构简单且易于操作,便于维护,提高了生产效率,降低了劳动强度,为实现饲料加工机械化与规模化提供了前提。
The Disign of Dishtype Hay Cutter
Abstract: With the development of livestock husbandry, grass feed processing machinery also got vigorously develop, Dishtype Hay Cutteris the grass is often applied to feed processing one of the machines, but this machine there are still exist during the cutting power of excessive consumption, the design to chop Dishtype Hay Cutteris cutting power plays a decisive role, but the move is the main blades for working parts chop. Therefore, designed for good performance of chopped becomes especially important. This paper analyzes the research and development status of each era plate knife chaff cutter, design a new type of disk knife chaff cutter, this machine uses the electric motor through a pulley drive mechanism, the movement and momentum transferred to the knifeshelf spindle transmission to the upper and lower feed roller to achieve the straw voltage cut. The entire organization is simple and easy to operate, easy to maintain, improve production efficiency, reduce labor intensity, and provides a premise for the mechanization and large-scale feed processing.
Key words: Dishtype Hay Cutter; Dishtype; Hay Cutter

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 铡草机的研究目的和意义 2
1.1.1 铡草机的研究目的 2
1.1.2 铡草机的研究意义 2
1.2 铡草机的设计要求和方法 3
1.2.1 我国畜牧业对铡草机的要求 3
1.2.2 铡草机的设计要求 4
2 总体方案与设计计算 5
2.1 总体方案 5
2.1.1 铡草机的总体构成 5
2.2 各主要工作部件的配置关系及工作过程 5
2.2.1 喂入机构 5
2.3 主要工作部件设计与计算 7
2.3.1 主要性能参数与技术指标 7
2.3.2 主要工作部件的参数选择与计算 7
2.4 传动设计与计算 12
2.4.1 拟定传动方案 12
2.4.2 确定总传动比和分配各级传动比 12
2.4.3 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 13
2.4.4 传动部件参数的选择与计算 13
3 典型零件的受力分析与强度校核 24
3.1 主轴的受力分析与强度校核 24
3.2 轴承的选型与校核 28
4 技术经济效益分析 29
4.1 生产成本计算 29
4.2 市场售价预测 29
4.3 社会与经济效益分析 29
5 结束语 30
参考文献 30
致谢 31
附录 33