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摘 要:本次设计的是对一种带机架的卧式摆线针轮减速机进行分析研究。其输入功率P=11Kw,传动比17,输出转矩1100Nm.对于摆线针轮行星减速器而言,要求行星减速器满足三项要求:传动比大,结构紧凑,适宜短期间断工作。在本次设计中要进行齿数计算、齿形分析、效率计算、强度验算、结构设计、绘制减速器装配图及零件图。在结构设计时要注意有关装置的特点,还要注意与多种减速方法进行比较,注意理论分析。
The Design of Portable Drilling Machine for The Railway Rails
Abstract:The design of the rack of a horizontal cycloid reducer analysis. The input power P = 11Kw, drive more than 17, the output torque of 1100Nm. Cycloid reducer, requiring planetary reducer to meet three requirements:transmission ratio, compact, suitable for short-term intermittent work.To calculate the number of teeth in the design, profile analysis, efficiency calculation and checking the strength, structural design, drawing reducer assembly drawings and part drawings. In the structural design should pay attention to the characteristics of the device, but also pay attention to the variety of deceleration, pay attention to the theoretical analysis.
Keywords:Pin-cycloidal gear planetary reducer;Gear;Pannetary gear reducer
