摘 要
此设计主要考虑到功能实现,尺寸限制,结构,操作简单。以机械原理以及机械设计的理论知识为依据,对齿轮传动机构,螺纹传动以及其他几种常见机构进行详尽的分析, 选择合适的方案。用所学的工程图学和三维制图UG的知识画出装配图,和零件图。
With the development at full speed of the summary society ,the recovery of the mechanical trade,more and more fields need to use various kinds of handling machinery.Human elevator is used for exterior wall decoration and outdoor power equipment and other special equipment installed.In the case of no power supply can easily manipulate the human upper and lower transport of materials and personnel to fill the lack of product line.Mission is from the practice of social production. The design of the structure is the traditional combination of innovative ideas and results. Human elevator has no patent in China, more electricity and power lift hoist have been used.
This design is mainly taking into account the implementation of function, size limits,structure, simple operation.mechanical principles and mechanical design is based on the theoretical knowledge, Worm gear drive mechanism, Screw drive as well as several other detailed analysis of common institutions, Choose the appropriate option.The principle according to clutch the clutch mode and select the appropriate bodies Learned to use engineering graphics and three-dimensional mapping of knowledge UG draw assembly drawings, and parts diagram.
The design includes a gear drive, second gear, wire rope around the law, the design of the clutch, fan gear, self-locking worm and worm. Take the initiative and drive shaft gear shaft gear mesh on the pedal force and the moment passed on to the output shaft. Output shaft of the gear teeth and then sets of force and torque delivered to the tank through the gear wheel, the drive sheave rotation, then driven gears meshing with the bottom of the tank below the rotating wheel,Re-engagement with the bottom of the drive gear wheel rotation slot below, the use of wire rope and there is no relative slip between the sheaves to drive the entire machine using steel wire rope move up and down.
Keywords: hoist;gear;transfer motion;worm;self-locking;
人力提升的总重量为350 kg,提升速度5m/min。将输入轴上脚踏的力和力矩传递到输出轴上。输出轴带动槽轮转动,利用钢丝绳与槽轮之间没有相对滑动,从而利用驱动整个机器在钢丝绳上下移动。

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 1
1.3本课题应达到的要求 1
2 方案拟定 3
3 功能原理及运动特点 5
3.1 功能原理 5
3.2 运动特点 7
4 确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比 9
4.1 确定总传动比 9
4.2 分配传动比 9
4.3 各轴运动和动力参数确定 9
4.3.1各轴转速 9
4.3.2各轴输入功率 9
4.3.3 各轴输出功率 9
4.3.4 各轴输入转矩 9
5 选择钢丝绳型号 11
6 齿轮、棘轮的设计 13
6.1 主动轴上齿轮传动的设计计算 13
6.1.1 齿轮材料,热处理及精度 13
6.1.2初步设计齿轮传动的主要尺寸 13
6.1.3 设计计算 14
6.1.4 齿根弯曲疲劳强度设计 15
6.2 从动轮上齿轮传动的设计和计算 17
6.2.1齿轮材料,热处理及精度 17
6.2.2 初步设计齿轮传动的主要尺寸 18
6.2.3 设计计算 18
6.2.4 齿根弯曲疲劳强度设计 20
6.3 棘轮的设计 22
6.3.1 棘轮机构的基本结构和工作原理 22
6.3.2 棘轮装置的优缺点 22
6.3.3 棘轮机构中的主要问题 22
6.3.4 棘轮几何尺寸的计算 22
7 轴、轴承和轴键的设计和校核 25
7.1 主动轴的设计校核 25
7.1.1 选择轴的材料 25
7.1.2 初步计算轴的最小直径 25
7.1.3 轴的结构设计 26
7.1.4 按弯矩合成力校核轴的强度 26
7.2 从动轴的设计校核 29
7.2.1 输入轴上的功率、转速及转矩 29
7.2.2 初步确定轴的最小直径 29
7.2.3 轴的结构设计 29
7.2.4 按弯矩合成力校核轴和强度 30
7.3 滚动轴承的选择与校核 35
7.3.1 主动轴轴承的型号选择和设计 35
7.3.2 中间轴滚动轴承的型号选择和计算 37
8 箱体结构设计 39
8.1主体设计 39
8.2 对附件设计 39
9 结论与展望 43
9.1 结论 43
9.2 不足之处与未来展望 43
致谢 45
参考文献 46