摘 要
At the time the corn is harvested ,the labor force of corn’s clothes taked-off by hand is very strong, wasting time and decreasing the quantity of the corn.To solve the problem of corn’s clothes taked-off that is of great importance in our country ,we designed the corn’s clothes take-off machine including the structure and the technical parameter design.It is a machine that takes off the corn’s clothes ,which has four types ,respectively meets the demand of single ,union of several and big harvest.The machine takes the place of the traditional handed-labor,reducing people’s labor strength,increasing the efficiency and preventing the corn’s damage.The structure of the machine is simple and the machine is easily adopted,reliable and of high efficient.The power of the machine can use electric motor、desel engine and the engine of three-wheeled agricultural car.This machine adopt the alternate current as the motives.The cylinder of the taked-off list is consisted of spiral iron cylinder and rubber cylinder.The spiral iron has some hurt to the seed of the corn.So this machine adopt the whole rubber cylinder.This machine is designed under the premise that must be get to 95% of taked-off rate and efficiency required no less than 1500kh/h,power no more than 3kw.To get to these requirements ,main taked-off part makes use of rubber cylinder ,and they are installed up-down.The machine can adjust the distance between the two cylinder according to the size of the corn and is more reasonable than the way of traditional design in structure.After calculation and check ,the machine meets the demand of design,and makes some improvements in the corn’s taked-off list and the way of transmission system,comparing with the traditional design.Worthwhile,it is widely applied in rural.
Key words: Corn;Peeling machine;Spiral roller;Rubber roller;Agricultural machinery

目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1选题的背景、目的及意义 1
1.2国内外玉米剥皮机的概况 1
1.2.1国内发展状况 1
1.2.2国外发展状况 2
1.3剥皮机的设计要求及结构简介 3
1.3.1剥皮机的设计要求 3
1.3.2玉米剥皮机结构简介 3
第2章 总体方案设计 4
2.1总机的结构形式 4
2.2总统设计思想 5
2.3机架的配置 5
2.4传动系统配置 5
2.5动力参数及动力源配置的确定 6
2.6本章小结 6
第3章 剥皮装置的确定 7
3.1剥皮辊确定 7
3.1.1剥皮辊长度、直径的确定 7
3.1.2剥皮辊结构 7
3.2剥皮辊生产能力的确定 8
3.3剥皮部件的配置 8
3.4本章小结 9
第4章 执行部件及机架设计 10
4.1果穗料斗的设计 10
4.2其他执行部件的配置 10
4.3辅助执行机构设计配置 11
4.4机架、联接架的设计 12
4.5本章小结 12
第5章 传动部分设计 13
5.1玉米果穗在剥皮辊间的受力分析 13
5.2皮带传动的设计计算及校核 14
5.3齿轮的设计和校核 16
5.4轴的强度设计计算与校核 19
5.5键的选择和校核 21
5.6轴承的选择和校核 21
5.7链轮的设计 22
5.8电动机的选择 25
5.9本章小结 26
第6章 微型玉米剥皮机的保养、使用、调整及修复 27
6.1每日技术保养 27
6.2传动装置的使用和调整 27
6.3机器的保管 27
6.4工作部件损坏的修复和调整 28
6.5本章小结 28
结 论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32