摘 要
Die-cutting machine is mainly used for paper packaging and decorating industry trademarks, cartons, greeting cards, etc. cutting, creasing and cold convex operations, is printed after the packing and processing equipment forming important. The design reference traditional die-cutting machine parts structure, die-cutting machine to re-design and calculation.
Transmission used in the design of a belt drive, two, three gears, and drive the actual process to consider the operational requirements of the use of magnetic bodies in the transmission of drive clutch, thus controlling the whole control system. Crankshaft driven by the implementing agencies in the connecting rod, connecting rod for reciprocating motion driven by die to achieve cutting action. Paper jam institutions with toothed belt drive, toothed belt driven cam, cam to cam follower rotational opening pressure in the top horizontal piece of paper to go on spring pressed, cam continues to rotate, spring pressed downward to a paper clip tight action to achieve a paper jam.
The results of this paper can be used to drive system design, semi-automatic die-cutting machine manufacturing reference and use.
Keywords: die-cutting belt drive trapezoidal tooth embedded clutch cam

目 录
绪论 1
1.1半自动平压模切机的现状 2
1.2平压模切机的发展趋势 2
第2章 工作原理及工艺动作过程分析 4
2.1 半自动平压模切机的工作原理 4
2.2 工作过程: 4
第3章 功能分解说明 6
第4章 原始数据和设计任务 7
第5章 方案评价及确定 8
5.1 模切机构的讨论和确定 8
5.2 执行机构的设计 10
第6章 传动系统的设计 13
6.1 分配传动比 13
6.2 驱动系统的设计 14
6.3 带传动设计 14
6.4 渐开线圆柱齿轮传动A设计 17
6.5 离合器的设计 21
6.6 渐开线圆柱齿轮传动B设计 22
6.7 联轴器的设计 25
6.8 轴尺寸的计算 26
6.9 传动系统中其他零部件的设计 30
第7章 执行机构的设计 31
7.1 曲轴的设计 31
7.2 执行机构中其他零部件的设计 32
第8章 夹纸装置的设计 33
8.1 夹纸机构的设计 33
8.2 夹纸机构的传动设计 35
8.3 夹纸中其他零部件的设计 36
致 谢 37
参考资料 38