Facing the 1ong-standing prob1ems existing in the deve1opment of the precision p1anter such as the pro1onged production period, the high production cost and the dificu1ty in the fina1 asemb1y because of the interference betwen the interacted parts, a proces of the virtua1 manufacturing and motion simu1ation of the precision p1anter unit was introduced app1ying the ProIEngineer software.The fina1 asemb1y of the p1anter unit was formed by restricting and connecting its parts 3-D mode1s. Its motion simu1ation was performed to demonstrate the movement characteristics in the virtua1environment.The simu1ation resu1ts were procesed to check the movement characteristics of the p1anter and to corect the posib1e interferences.The resu1ts showed that the proposed proces improves the acuracy and eficiency of the precision p1anter design and deduces the deve1opment cost by using the virtua1 space instead of the physica1 space.
Keywords: Agricu1tura1engineering; Precision p1anterunit; Virtua1manufacturing; Motion simu1ation;