在主要零部件的设计中,主要包括运动参数的选择、振动工艺参数的计算、动力学分析和参数计算、电动机的选择、筛箱的设计、 激振器轴承的选用及校核等,其中最重要的就是动力学分析和参数计算。凸轮轴采用铸钢做成,并使用新型材质以提高其的耐磨性和利用率。
关键词:振动筛 ; 激振器;筛面 ;筛分
Sand sieving mechanism design of processor
The design for the design of molding sand sieving mechanism of the processor, main research contents: mechanism design vibrator sieve box; structure design; structure design of the screen.
The design consists of a vibration exciter, referring to the related parameters of circular vibration sieve, preliminary determine the cam shaft speed, so as to determine the line speed, screen size, screen size and other related data. In ensuring the completion of the overall structure of the design condition of productivity and screening granularity, then according to the overall structure, so as to determine the design of main parts of each of the design of the screen.
The design of the main components, including the motion parameters, vibration parameters calculation, dynamic analysis and parameter calculation, the choice of motor, the design of screen box, vibrator bearing selection and checking calculation, in which the most important is the dynamic analysis and parameter. Cam shaft made by casting, and the use of new materials to improve their wear resistance and utilization.
The design of the whole circular vibrating screen based on further improving its crushing performance, simple structure, light weight, small size, low cost of equipment, operation safety, convenient operation, easy to repair and management.
Keywords: sieve; sieving ; shaker ; vibration; exciter

目 录
1绪论 1
1.1背景介绍 1
1.2筛分机构研究内容 3
1.3具体方案与措施 4
1.4设计方案综述 5
2 运动学参数的选择 6
2.1筛面的倾角 6
2.2振动方向角 7
2.3振幅 7
2.4 振动次数n 7
2.5 物料的运送速度 8
3 振动筛工艺参数的计算 9
3.1 生产率的计算 9
3.2 筛面的长和宽的确定 9
3.3 筛面设计 10
3.4 筛面开孔率的计算 11
3.5 筛分效率 11
4 动力学分析及参数计算 12
4.1振动筛的动力学分析 12
4.2单轴振动筛的工作状态 14
4.3 隔振弹簧的确定 16
4.4 激振器偏心质量偏心距 17
5 电动机的选择 18
6 筛箱的设计 21
6.1侧板和横梁 21
6.2筛箱结构的焊接 21
6.3筛面的固定方法 21
7 V型带的设计 23
8 激振器轴承的选用及校核 26
8.1振动筛轴承的选择 26
8.2轴承的校核 26
8.2.1寿命校核 27
8.2.3结论 28
9 总结 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31